The Start

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Amy's POV:
I grabbed my luggage and stuffed my lollipop in my mouth and put my sunglasses on."Bye mom!"I shouted and taking off to king's Cross.
When I reached King's Cross it was packed with muggles.I pushed the trolley that held my luggage around looking for the wall that seperates platform 9 and 10."There it is!"I exclaimed taking the lollipop out of my mouth.I put it back in and dashed at full speed at the wall.Although I knew that I would not hit the wall,I still braced myself.Soon I saw the result in front of me.The gleaming red train was huge and had the word HOGWART'S EXPRESS on it.I grinned like a madman,it was beautiful.
I took my luggage off the trolley and dragged it to the train.I jumped onto train and tried to heave my luggage on to the train.It didn't work.After a few tries,it still didn't work and I was already sweating.Then a boy my age walked over briskly and arrogantly.He looked at me and asked,"Need a hand?"
"No no I'm perfectly fine I'm not sweaty at all."I remarked sarcastically."I obviously need help.Just open those big eyes of yours and look would ya."I said.he looked shock for a second but smirked at me."Since you asked so nicely."He said sarcastically and threw my luggage onto the train."Hey!"I yelled."Bye pretty girl."He said not even turning around.I glared at him.He was trying to get on my nerves!I grabbed my luggage and pulled it along to a compartment.I slid the door open and saw a girl long red hair and emerald green eyes and a boy with black hair and dark black eyes."Um...may I sit here?"I asked nervously.The boy in black was about to say something when the girl cut him off,"Sure."I smiled and flopped onto the seat next to her and started chatting with her.Soon I found out the boy was called Severus Snape and the girl was Lily Evans.Soon I was talking to them about houses and Sev(I call him that)said that we should be in Slytherin with him.I was about to reply when the compartment door opened and a boy with messy haired boy with spectacles with a bad boy look next to the boy who helped me or shall I say threw my bag onto the train was standing next to him smirking at me.I just glared at him."Who would want to be in slytherin?If I was I would have left Hogwarts already!"Lily,Snape and I glared at him.I was about to retort when the boy with spectacles spoke with the guy who threw my bag.The boy who threw my bag smirked at me and said,"So we meet again eh."I didn't do anything but i did glare at him."Whats your name?"He asked.Now everyone in the compartment was quiet looking at us."And tell me why I should tell YOU?"I retorted not dropping my glare."Because I know you like me."My eyes widened and I screamed at him,"AND WHO MAY I ASK GAVE YOU THAT STUPID IDEA!"I exclaimed at him.He didn't even flinch.I pushed the 2 of them out and slammed the door."Those arrogant idiots."I muttered under my breathe.Sev and Lily smiled at me and laughed.And without knowing it,we were reaching Hogwarts.

A/N:Do u guys think I should continue?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2014 ⏰

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