Kedar clapped his hands together and 8 fire charges appeared above his head. "Let's see who's the stronger one now." Kedar sneered with an evil grin.

He flung his arms forward and one by one each fire charger was aimed at Romeo. "Is this some kind of game to you!?!" Romeo yelled dodging each one.

Kedar didn't reply, but spawned in more fire chargers at him. After a couple minutes of that, the whole sanctuary they had built slowly burnt to the ground, and in front of their quaint little house stood broken hearted Xara. Forced to watch these two brothers, two of her best friends, fight each other to the death. She was so confused, so scared; having no idea what was going on or what to do. Xara ran along the pathway and eventually flew away to The Oasis. 

"Look what you've done Romeo, she'll never love you. You're a cold hearted monster to her now." Kedar laughed as the flames of the fire reflected in his icy blue eyes.

Romeo growled at his brother. But then closed his eyes and chuckled knowing this was all true and was sad about it, but now he knew Xara thought the same about Kedar. "Yes, that may be true Kedar. But you forgot one important thing, you can't change your skin, you've never been able to change your skin." Romeo grinned.

Kedar stopped laughing for a moment confused, "Yes, and?"

"You look exactly like me, I don't think you thought this plan through," Romeo said lifting his hand and lighting it on fire.

Kedar went pale for a moment knowing his brother was right, but also lit his hand with fire filled with anger. "Well, I guess neither of us get her," Kedar stated, "guess she'll just have to be one more thing you'll never acquire."

Romeo sneered at him, and the two flew at each other. They punched one another at the same time creating a large ball of light destroying everything around them, and then- *thump*

Romeo opened his eyes to see that he had made it to the end of the track. Romeo shook his head at the memory and sighed. He didn't know what to do. His friend hated him, and his brother was still trying to kill him. He walked along the bedrock path for a while until he got tired and sat down underneath a small ledge to rest and hide. He put his hands behind the back of his head and laid down in thought for the night, or at least, what he thought was night. The next morning his eyes opened up, and he didn't look tired whatsoever.

He wondered what today would bring him, until horrid memories came back into his head. He sighed depressed; every morning was the same now. He'd wake up, and everything would be fine, until he'd remember everything that had happened to him. But this time, it was worse. Romeo had managed to bundle up his feelings and memories in the back of his mind, but Eden had released them, plus she was there to relieve them with him.

Romeo wasn't angry with Eden though, he was actually glad she'd seen them. Eden was able to showed him a different perspective on his past, and helped him realize he needed to fix things. He brushed his hand through his hair and laid his back against the wall and mumbled, "I wish Eden was here."

He thought about her for a minute, until everything went dark. He seemed to be in an empty void, and when he turned around he saw a small light. He squinted at it until it became more visible; it seemed to be a figure. "What's going on?" he thought to himself but his voice echoed out through this black space.

"Romeo, is that you?" A familiar voice asked.

"Eden?" Romeo questioned.

He thought maybe this was just his imagination, but figured that was impossible due to how realislitc she sounded. "Eden, where are we?" Romeo asked.

"Why are you asking me, I don't know?" Eden queried back and then pondered.

"We could be... no we couldn't, well... maybe," she stuttered.

"What is it?" Romeo asked.

"I was thinking," she began, "maybe we're in your head right now. This is the same thing that happens when I use my powers. So maybe when I went into your head, I have this weird connection with you, we're you just thinking about me?"

Romeo hesitated, but then answered truthfully. "Well, yes. If I'm being honest, I missed you," Romeo explained.

Eden smiled at him signaling she didn't think it was weird, just that he was adorable. "Romeo I- Ow!" Eden yelled in pain going onto her knees.

"Eden!" Romeo panicked and ran closer to her.

"Are you ok?" Romeo asked.

"Yeah," she hesitated to really know, "but I think the long distance is disrupting my powers and it's giving me a headache.

"Sorry! H-here, I'll let you out," Romeo answered closing his eyes.

"Bye Eden," he said goodbye.

"Bye, Romeo...  love ya," Eden told him before soothing her mind.

"Love you too," he whispered as the world around him became light again.

Romeo was then pulled back to reality and he sighed remembering he had a mission. Eventually he moved his butt and was on his way.

(With Eden)

Eden was also placed back into her own subconscious mind, and realized she was still had a bit of a puckered face. She stopped herself before looking around for Lukas. "Hey Lukas! Where are yo-" Eden was then stopped in her tracks when she realized a big red ball on her nose.

"What the?" Eden questioned then looking around for a mirror.

She eventually found one in the bathroom and wasn't too shocked to see herself with a bright red clown nose, a wig, and a poorly done makeup job as a clown. "Lukas!" she growled like a dog.

She quickly took the wig and nose off, and washed the makeup off too. She figured Lukas wasn't in the house, so she looked outside and to her surprise saw Lukas riding his horse farther up the road. "Lukas you son of a motherless goat!!!" Eden yelled.

Eden jumped on her white horse and chased after this a-hole, why on earth would he do that. Eden was angry, but realized, who wouldn't do that? She placed a smile on her face and continued to go after him.

(A:N Hehe. Still ALIVE!!! 

But now that I'm older and I'm reading this story again, it's kind of hard to read. I mean it's a really good idea, it's just it bugs me I added myself into the story. It just feels a little concieted but I don't know if you guys really notice or care. 

I'm exited to finish up this story so I'll allow myself to start new ones......... that aren't about me

Bye Biscuits!)

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