Another hour came and went. Norma shifted around, thinking that the change in position might help, yet with little success. However, even as the contractions came, she kept herself calm, with a few soothing words from Alex every now and then. "Okay-- I need to stand up," she insisted, raising herself up in the bed.

   "Are you sure?"

   "C'mon Alex, I know what I'm doing, just help me up," she begged, squeezing his hand.

   "Okay, alright," he moved quickly to the other side of the bed, putting one arm around her while she maneuvered herself carefully out from under the sheets. Norma stood at the end of the bed, holding herself up with both hands as she leaned against it for support. She took a deep breath, feeling the intensity of another contraction. "Alex--"

   Before she could say anything else he was behind her, holding her hands and supporting her as she whimpered from the force of the pain.

   "Maybe you should lay back down."

   She shook her head. "No. Standing is helping," her breathing steadied as she composed herself again.

   "Uh-- Norma, baby, I think your water just broke."

   Norma released herself from his grasp, holding her womb, staring down at the floor. "Oh, yeah. It's broke," she leaned into him, smiling confidently. "I told you standing would help." He didn't know whether to be proud or bothered as she climbed back into the bed, making herself as comfortable as possible. "Good thing you brought a change of clothes, huh?" she mused.

   "I'm glad you think this is funny." He glanced down at his own wet clothes, then back to her.

   She laughed. "Go on. Go change. I'll be fine here."

   Norma thought she heard him grumbling under his breath as he walked away.

   A nurse came in to examine Norma during the next hour. When Alex came back out, his wife was smiling. "We're almost there."

   "That's great, honey. See, I told you everything's alright," he sat in the chair next to the bed, which was still close enough for him to wrap an arm around her. She started to breath heavily once more, and he brought a damp cloth to her face as the next contraction wracked her body. Norma reached for his other hand and he gave it to her, speaking to her in hushed tones.

   When it was over, he pulled her hair back again, kissing her temple. "It's okay, you're doing good..."

   The nurse turned her attention to the couple again. "Norma, dear, I think it's time we get you to the delivery room."

   Norma smiled wanly at Alex as they moved her to the delivery room. The place was already set up with everything the doctor would need to successfully assist in the birth. Alex stood on her left side, his arm interlocked with her left leg as she started to push. "Five more seconds," the nurse told her. She stopped, throwing her head back against the pillow with a few deep breaths.

   "Alright, the next contraction will be in about thirty seconds."

   "Oh, Alex--"

   "You're doing good, Norma. She's almost here," he promised her. "I'm sure she's beautiful."

She met his reassuring gaze with a soft one before closing her eyes and gritting her teeth against the next contraction. The doctor encouraged her to push, and she did as she was told. "She's crowning," Norma moaned, "I can feel it." Her eyes met her husband's, and for a moment she swore she saw tears in his eyes.

   "Alright, you're going to have to push harder now," the nurse urged. Norma cried out, tucking her chin into her chest. "You're going to have to push harder, nothing's happening."

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