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   "So you're in the military, then?" she asked, placing Norman's carrier in the back seat of the deputy's patrol car.

   "I was in the marines, yes. I'm the deputy now," he said, helping the woman to strap her sons in. "I'll be taking you and the boys to the hospital to get you checked out--"

   "That really isn't necessary," she said, climbing into his vehicle anyways. Her words confirmed to Alex that something wasn't right.

   "What are you afraid of?"

   "I'm not hiding anything," she clarified, "I just don't think this is necessary, that's all."

   He wasn't originally meant to be in that little grocery store beside the Chinese restaurant. In fact, he'd probably get his butt kicked by Sheriff Johnson if he was found out. Alex didn't like getting involved in the business of others, and this was seemingly out of his jurisdiction. However, it wasn't every day that he found a woman, an infant, and a toddler in a grocery store bathroom in a failed attempt to shoplift.

   "You from around here?"

   "As of last night, yes."

   "Where are you staying?"

   "The Countryside," she replied, nodding in the direction of the inn."

   "Care to explain why I caught you shoplifting in a bathroom?"

   Norma's face was pale. "I have no money," she muttered simply. "My boys, they need fed...and I have no money," she admitted. Her eyes were speckled with tears. "Whatever you do, please don't take them from me...I couldn't bear the thought of being apart from them, but I don't know what to do," she moaned. "I have no special talents, I can hardly work as it is--"

    "I'm not gonna take your sons away. It's not my job. Right now my job is to make sure you're okay, and then make sure that I don't catch you shoplifting again. Understand? If it's a job you need, I know someone you can go to. But if I catch you taking anything from Joe again, I'll be taking you into the station," he warned.

   They arrived at the hospital, and the family of three were checked out within the hour. The children were examined first. It was confirmed that both of them were in excellent shape, although the newborn was once again screaming his lungs out. 

   Norma's examination took a little longer. Alex received news that there were obvious signs of abuse on the woman, but when asked about it, she refused to say a word. She hated Sam, and didn't want to see him again. She feared that putting him in jail would be too easy, and he would take it out on her if he ever got out.

    "You don't have to press charges, but it would ensure that he wouldn't hurt you or the boys again."

   "He's never touched the boys," she clarified. "I'm not sure if he would; Dylan's not his anyways. Sam was not inherently violent," she rubbed at the bruised area around her wrists, "he was only violent when he was drunk. He never hurt the boys because I never let him."

    Romero rubbed his hands over tired eyes. "Look, I know it's none of my business," he said, directing his eyes towards the door, "but if I were you, I'd at least be looking for a place a little farther from this area...if he decides to come looking for you now, it'll be too easy for him to find you."

   "Well, you're rather concerned," she snarked, glancing away from him.

   "I'm sure I'm the last person you want to talk to," he replied, "but I really don't want to be back out here later when your husband finds you again."

   "What do you want me to do?" she asked. "I've got Norman. I can't work right now, and I don't have the gas to drive to another hotel--"

   He sighed. Johnson was definitely going to kill him. "I'll take you to the Seafarer. The tennant there needs someone to help with the place, and you need a job. There's a man in the area who could keep an eye on your sons while you're there..."

   "So what, you're just going to pawn me off on a bunch of strangers in a town I know nothing about and expect me to just go along with it? I barely know you."

   "I'm sorry, maybe I don't want your kids to suffer because of their mother's stupidity!"

   His words hurt, and she fought the urge to cry, knowing they were both tired from the investigation. Alex's eyes were not calm nor gentle. Yet, it was reassuring to know that someone seemed to care. Either that, or he was just hurriedly trying to finish what he had started.

   "I just figure it's the least you could do, considering you're no longer getting six months for shoplifting."

   She scoffed. "Yeah, 'cause peanut butter and jelly is so valuable."

   Norma and her sons were uprooted again; she promised Alex that she would look into getting a job with the tennant of the Seafairer. 

   The young mother went in the best outfit she had packed-- a blue and white flowered dress with a matching blue shawl and sash. She carried with her a beige purse that didn't quite match...it was all Norma had, yet she tried to look like a professional.

   Norma walked into the Motel office. The mother walked in not knowing of the little girl across the street who would be diagnosed with CF in a few years. She walked in with no foreknowledge of the tragedy she would raise here. The newborn who was now being cared for across the way would grow into a man to be feared and avoided at all costs.

   How long would it take, before anyone would realize? Would Alex see the glint in her son's eye as dark visions flash through his mind...or would this be ignored?

   Norma Bates would pay the price for this ignorance. She alone would stand before the gates, knowing that she should have asked someone for help before it was eternally too late. The blue sash would soon be red with blood.

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