But you do know why you like him, her mind chastised. You thought about it for hours after the night of the celebration at the castle.

Alas, her mind was right. She had thought about it for hours after the end of the dragons, sitting in bed alone. To be honest, she didn’t really mind Natsu’s barging in; it only meant he was eager to see her. And she loved his smiles; they were always full of life and made her heart skip a beat ever since she met the hot head in Hargeon. When Natsu entered Lucy’s personal space, she felt much warmer, like when he grabbed her a few days ago and pulled her head-first into the water. She hadn’t wanted to be body-slammed into the pool, but she couldn’t help but notice as Natsu’s hands wrapped around her sides, his chest pressed against her lower back.

Lucy abruptly shook her head. She really needed to shut her mind up. This was a dense male, for crying out loud! He protected everyone in the guild and the only special thing to him about her was that they were best friends. He smiled at everyone else, and never once had he even understood what the word “love” meant. Not that Lucy loved him; however, she was pretty close.

Lucy mentally slapped herself—forced herself to listen to Natsu’s words again.

“...stargazing!” he was saying, and Lucy’s attention was caught.

“What did you say?” Lucy asked, forcing her flushed cheeks down to shadow them from Natsu’s eyes.

Both him and Happy blinked, surprised that she hadn’t been paying attention. “I asked if you’ve ever been stargazing!”

Lucy was surprised at this question. “Of...of course I have. Why?”

The dragon slayer suddenly looked excited. “Because I wanted to go with you!”

Lucy felt her heart contract, and she mentally bullied herself for acting so stupidly. She couldn’t help it though; he was close to her face, and he was wearing that stupid open vest again. Couldn’t he ever wear a normal shirt? His body heat did not help the situation, either.

“Why?” she asked, her mind a little slow from staring at her best friend for so long.

Natsu pouted his lower lip, and the celestial mage felt like beating her head against the wall for thinking something so adorable. “You are really slow, aren’t you Luce? I told you, Gray said that there was a meteor shower tonight along with a full moon, and for some reason that’s super rare. I don’t know what a meteor shower is, and when that icicle found out, he teased me and told me if I wanted to know, to see it with you.”

Oh, she was going to kill that ice mage. Setting her up like that was vile!

But she couldn’t deny that stargazing with Natsu would be...nice. Great, even. She’d get the chance to show him the constellations, and see a meteor shower and full moon at the same time for the first time in her life! The thought alone made her excited. How had the ice mage known about this occurring? Lucy was the one obsessed with stars, so how come she hadn’t known? It puzzled her, that thought; but excitement replaced that feeling. She could tell Natsu where all the constellations were, where the forbidden ones resided, and where—

Lucy stopped herself with resentment. What was she thinking? Natsu wasn’t interested in her stuff about stars and stories; he always got bored when she talked to him about it. The thought made her sadden slightly; she’d only bore him if he went with her. It was another thing she noted about how Natsu liking her back was out of the question. Note number one hundred, anyways.

“Why don’t you go with someone else?” Lucy asked, turning back to her desk only to write scribbles.

Natsu’s voice was surprised, and slightly disappointed. “You don’t want to go? I thought you liked stars!”

Fairy Tail: In Your Heart ♥ (NaLu One-shots)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें