Chapter Six

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"Hey Mal." Uma smirked as her, Harry, and Gil flashed into the room where the gang was just turned evil. "What's Up Guys?"

Mal rolled her eyes as she quickly checked outside her room, closed the door, and and locked it.

"What do you want Shrimpy?" Mal smirked at them.

"How's Ocean Life treating you?" Jay chuckled with Carlos and Evie joining in.

"Gosh. It's like nothing has changed." Gil smiled, which caused Evie, Carlos, and Jay to laugh even more.

"We, have a plan to make Auradon fall at their knees." Uma explained. "All you guys would have to do..." She started as she pulled out the Apple From the box. "Is distribute it."

The four looked at Uma, and then looked at the Apple.

The Welcome Back Dance was in full swing, and Chad knew he did a great job as far as the eye can see. While being the aforementioned host did come with a lot of stress, Chad was handling it fairly well.

Well up until a VK song came on the The Students started to mosh pit in the middle of the dance floor.

"Guys no! Auradon has safety rules for a reason." He stressfully ran a hand through his hair as he dove into the mosh pit in an attempt to stop it.

Across the hall, Freddie, CJ, Lexy, and Christian sat at a table talking until the mosh pitting started to happen.

"Guys! Every VK loves a good mosh pit!" Freddie exclaimed. "What are we waiting over here for?"

"For it to die down a bit." Christian looked over to it and saw that they were literally throwing Chad up in the air and catching him, and repeating. "Not tryna be like Charming over there."

"Reminds me of the Isle." Lexy sighed. "Jeez, I miss that place."

"You're telling me, they actually make me go to school over here." CJ pouted. "Besides that Auradon isn't all that bad."

Christian chuckled at her comment. He recalled when he thought the opposite not to long after the first four Vks came to Auradon. Boy, have the times changed. "Speaking Of Bad... where are Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, and Ben at? I've been back for like two days and I still haven't seen them once yet."

"They've been so busy since the summer." Freddie shrugged. "I'm not surprised their not here."

Christian shrugged as he continued to drink his fruit punch. Meanwhile, Seth looked at himself in the fully body mirror him and Stronghold had in their dorm room. Seth has been very set on looking good ever since coming back from vacation. He even had Evie Custom make him a few outfits for the new year.

"Who are you tryna look good for?" Stronghold titled his head as he watched Seth do various poses.

"No one." Seth lied. "Just wanna look my best, it's the Welcome Back Dance ya know."

"Yeah of course I know, the question is, do I look my best?" He asked Seth. Seth turned around and saw what he was wearing.

Seth shrugged, "You look like Gaston's Son for sure."

"Yesss." Stronghold smiled.

Then there was a knock at their door. Seth sighed, "That must be the girls."

He opened it to not only see Ocean and Shanna at the door, but to also see Uma, Gil, Mal, and Harry behind them pushing them in the room.

"Uhhhh..." Seth let out, confused.

"Yeah... Mal, Carlos, Evie, and Jay are evil now." Shanna started.

"And are trapping us in here so we don't ruin their plan." Ocean finished. "Yay."

"Wow, best sisters forever huh?" Gil chuckled as he reached to high five Ocean, who rolled her eyes and walked away.

The next day, the Auradon Prep students were raving about last nights dance. They all gave it 5 out of 5 stars and that was pretty impressive considering Chad Charming was behind the whole event.

But what they didn't know...

Was that something wicked was brewing.

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