chapter twelve

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It was about 10 minutes until the boys went on and this was the most hyped I've seen Mitchel. His energy was off the walls and he was hard to keep up with.

"This is gonna be so fucking sick, there's so many people out there." He was practically bouncing as he spoke. "I can't wait to watch," they told me to stand by the side of the stage so I wasn't in the crowd but could still see really well.

"You're making me nervous, I feel like you have such high expectations. I don't wanna disappoint." I shook my head, "I've seen you perform before, remember?"

"Yeah, but it's different now that you know me and you know the music."

"Mitchel, you're gonna kill it. I know you will." I rubbed my hand up and down his arm in an attempt to comfort him.

"Okay but if I do bad it's your fault," I rolled my eyes in response. "Shut up, you're not gonna do bad."

Mitchel took another sip from his cup, "hold this for me?" I grabbed it out of his hand.

"Just know that if you give me alcohol I'm going to drink it." He laughed as I took a sip from his cup, "it's part of your charm."

Aaron announced for them to get ready and handed Mitchel a microphone. Jesse went on stage and started with the intro. Mitchel turned around and looked at me, "goodluck!" I grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him, a huge smile broke out on his face.

He turned around and ran out onto the stage. The tune to Angels started playing and I found myself enjoying this show way more than the first one I saw.

Mitchel was right, it's different when you know the music and have a connection to it. He looked over at me and held eye contact while singing, 'I went out searching for an angel and you came to me my darling'. My stomach leaped and my heart rate increased.

I was in too deep. It was terrifying how much Mitchel could affect me, but I didn't even care, he could do what he wanted with my heart I'd just hand it over at this point. How fucked up is it that I trusted Mitchel so fast, knowing where that's got me in the past. I must be crazy for opening my heart to him so quickly. He already had the power to hurt me, he could so easily damage me.

I tried to stop over thinking so much and enjoy the concert, watching Mitchel jump around to the music. He was such an amazing performer and watching him in his element like this was a blessing. His voice was beautiful, and I could listen to it forever. I sang along softly, the blaring music covering up any evidence of my voice.

Watching him like this was practically intoxicating, the way he worked the stage was incredible. My eyes were glued to him while he amped up the crowd and the people in the audience practically fell into his every demand. The energy in the room was absolutely insane and I knew how Mitchel had fell in love with this life. He was such a natural at performing, like his every instinct was telling him how to own the room.

I hardly remembered what it was like seeing him perform for the first time but I wish I had. I remembered thinking he was attractive and talented but I had hardly appreciated it as much as I should have.

Just as quickly as the concert had began it ended. The boys waved and said their goodbyes to the lovely crowd before running off stage. Mitchel had the biggest smile on his face when he came off, and it was contagious.

"You did amazing, Mitchel!" He moved his braids out of his face. "Thank you, love! That crowd was sick." He lazily draped his arm around my shoulders, making me cringe slightly. "Ew, Mitchel, you're so sweaty." He laughed, dropping his arm back to his side. "Sorry," he grabbed his cup from my hand and took a big drink from it.

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