chapter ten

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It'd been almost three weeks since Mitchel left.

The goodbye was hard but the reassurance he gave me before was in my head and made it a lot easier.

He facetimed me every night and told me about their show, and the fans, and the energy, and how amazing it was. Then we'd talk until one of us fell asleep.

They were playing in Philly this weekend, so I was making the two hour train ride to go see them. Then I'd go to Pittsburgh with them and come back Tuesday night.

I had exchanged all my socials and numbers with the other band members so fans were starting to figure out who I was, and most of them had already figured out I was involved with Mitchel.

It was no doubt I was gaining followers that all followed the boys, as they were curious as to who I was and how I was involved with the guys.

I had several people actually DM me and ask me about it, which I just ignored. I didn't want to be rude but hell, what was I supposed to say. 'Oh yeah, you know Mitchel saved me from my abusive ex boyfriend twice and then he ate me out on my bathroom sink. Now we talk all the time, he's pretty great.'

I had a feeling that story wouldn't go over well.

I was looking through my instagram feed when a notification popped up that I had been mentioned in a comment. "It was obviously @KaylaaWoods" I clicked on the post I was tagged in. It seemed to be some kind of anonymous submission account. The one I was tagged in said 'The other night I ran into Mitchel at a club in NYC, and he was really wasted and this girl was practically draped all over him. and not to be gross but they were dancing really suggestively and it seemed like they were way more than friends if you know what I mean.'

That fucking bitch.

She literally told us we look cute together, I was in shock.

I scrolled through the other comments. Some were just downright rude, but the most liked comment was someone saying 'so what? they're both adults having a good time at a club like every other young adult in new york city, let them live their lives and enjoy themselves without you interrupting them and judging them.' I like her.

There were other people saying maybe it wasn't actually Mitchel, and some saying we could just be friends.

I went on twitter only to see that people were blowing up on there as well.

Someone literally made an entire thread to try and expose me for being Mitchel's secret girl. I'm not gonna lie they had some pretty good points. She pointed out how I had posted from the venue they played at that night and how fans saw me with Mitchel after the show. How she got all of this information I don't know but the girl had really done her research. Also I was in the background of one of Jesse's instagram stories with Mitchel's head on my shoulder.

I don't know how that one wasn't a dead give away. Most of the fans were really supportive, saying that if Mitchel's happy they don't care who I am or if we're dating or not. The other night I went out with Sierra and wore the black dress I had worn on the night I went out with Mitchel. We had taken several pictures but my favorite was a long mirror pic we took where you can see the entire dress. I honestly just wanted to post it to see Mitchel's reaction.

My wondering got the best of me and I posted it, tagging Sierra and captioning it "NYC baby". I closed out of the app, and checked the time. I knew they were probably doing VIP right now so he'd answer me after.

I logged onto my laptop, deciding I should work on a project for college or do something productive. I really enjoyed my studies so I didn't mind, I was on an arts track at school so I had to learn about all different kinds of art and take different classes on each of them.

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