Chapter 1

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"Sam, I want to ask you something..."
"Yeah, y/n, go ahead," he answers without looking up from his book.
"This is a serious question."
He looks up at your tone. "Okay. I'm listening."
"What would you think if I tried out for the football team?"
"Umm... Well... I don't know."
"Don't say anything about me being a girl. If I wasn't, do you think I would be a good enough kicker?"
"You are a great placement kicker, y/n. I've seen you make almost 50 yard field goals."
"But do you think I would make the team?"
He lets out a small laugh. "Are you kidding me? Have you seen Patch? The kid can barely make an extra point kick."
"So, you think it would be a good idea?"
"I don't know. You know you're gonna get a lot of crap for being a girl. And a freshman. Dean told me what they've done to freshman before."
You feel your heart skip a beat at the mention of Dean, the varsity quarterback. But try to push him out of your mind. "I know. But I'm good. I think I could make the team. And you just said our kicker isn't great. Can... can you ask, Dean, maybe about it? I mean... if it's going to cause a ton of drama, I won't. But I think I could help the team."
Sam doesn't say anything right away. He is actually giving this a lot of thought. You knew he cared about you. You'd been best friends since 5th grade. "I'll ask him. But I can tell you he probably won't like it, but he's also never seen you kick."
"I know... Maybe we could show him? You're trying out right?"
"Uhh yeah. Of course."
"Right," you say with an eye roll. "Football is your veins."

The two of you share a laugh and eventually fall back into your comfortable silence as you continue your homework. You're actually really nervous about all of this, but you think you could make the team. After another hour or so, the two of you finish up and it's time for Sam to get picked up. As you walk him to the door you see his dad pull up in the Impala.
"Hey... text me when you talk to Dean, please?"
"Sure. I'll see you at school tomorrow."
"See ya Sam."
You watch him as he walks to his dad's car and waves as they pull away. You know you are going to be a wreck until you hear from him. You keep an eye on your phone all night but never get a text. As you get ready for bed you want to text him, but decide to leave it alone.

You are standing in front of your locker the next morning, trying not to think about Sam or the football team or Dean. But it's really all you can think about.
"Morning y/n."
You turn around quickly to see Sam. "Hey Sam! Did you--"
"No, not yet. I'm sorry. Dean was out with Heather last night."
"Her again?"
"Yeah I guess," Sam says with an eye roll. "And he wasn't in a great mood when he got home, so I didn't think it was a good idea to ask him."
"It's okay, Sam. Tryouts aren't for a couple weeks anyway."
"I'll try to ask him tonight. Promise," he says with a smile that shows his dimples.
"Thanks Sam. I really do appreciate it."

The rest of the day drags on. You see Sam in a few classes and keep hoping he might have talked to Dean, but he never says anything. You are trying to wait patiently, but you've never been very good at that. You try to hang around after school to talk to Sam, but you don't want to miss the bus, so you just hope to talk to him later.

You try to concentrate on homework when you get home, but it seems to be no use. You take a nap instead. Shortly after 6:30, there is a knock on your door.
"Y/n? Sweetie, dinner is ready."
"Oh okay, mom. I'll be there in a minute."
"Is everything all right? You've been very quiet today," she says stepping in the room.
"Oh yeah... Just stressing about a test coming up."
"Okay. Just checking," she says with a smile. "Well, I made your favorite."
"Thanks mom."

After dinner, you are finally able to work on homework. You still haven't heard from Sam, but you are trying to keep it out of your mind. You finish your homework and try to read some before bed. Finally at about 9:30 your phone goes off with a text from Sam asking if you could talk. You call him right away.
"Hey y/n."
"Sam... just tell me."
"Ok. I talked to Dean."
"Well... He isn't sure a girl on the team will be great, but I insisted you could kick. So, he wants to see."
"He does?"
"Yeah... I did my best to fight your case and he wants evidence."
"Okay. When?"
"Tomorrow morning before school."
You take a deep. "Okay. I'll be ready."
"See you then y/n."
"Bye Sam."
You go to tell your mom that you need to go in early to work on a project with Sam and she agrees to take you. You go back to your room and get ready for bed.

You don't sleep very well. You knew you were going to have to do this, but now that it is going to happen your stomach is in knots. Your mom drops you off in front of the school and you go to the locker room to change clothes. You slowly lace up your cleats trying to prepare yourself for this.

You make your way to the field and find Sam and Dean waiting for you. Sam gives you an encouraging smile and you feel a little nervousness fade.
"Morning y/n."
"Hey Sam. Hey Dean."
"Hey. Look, Sammy tells me you can kick. This better not be some joke. I hate getting up early."
"I can kick. Really."
"Then let's see it. We set you up for the 20 yard extra point."
"Okay," you say walking past the two.

You take a few deep breaths trying to calm yourself down. You find one football on the stand with several more on the ground. You turn to see Sam and Dean followed you to the edge of the field, but are keeping their distance. You take a few steps back and line up to make the kick.

You watch as the first kick hooks to the right and you silently curse yourself. The second kick hits the upright and bounces back out. As you set up the third ball you hear Dean say, "Come on Sammy. I don't have time for this. I thought she was a serious kicker."
"She is Dean. I've seen her hit over twice that distance. She blows Patch away."
"Well, I'm not seeing that right now."
Suddenly you feel all the nerves leave your body. You aren't sure if it is the confidence that Sam has in you or the fact that you really want to prove something to Dean. You send the next kick right through the middle of the uprights. Then you do the same to the next three. You slowly turn to see Sam with a huge smile on his face and Dean has lost his usually smug smile.

With a little bit of bravery, you grab the stand and two more footballs and move back ten yards. You send both footballs down the middle of the uprights. You grab the last football and move back another ten yards. With a deep breath you say a small prayer that you can hit this one too. You let out a small gasp as it starts to hook to the right, but it still goes through the uprights.
You turn to see Sam is smiling even more, if that was possible and Dean's mouth is partly open.

"Do you want me to keep going? Because I'm outta balls," you say gesturing to the ground.
"Just don't stand there Sam, go get them for her!" Dean yells.
Without a word, Sam runs to grab a few footballs. As he runs up to you, he starts laughing. "Y/n you're just amazing! Do you think you can go back further?"
"I don't know Sam. I haven't seriously practiced since school started. I know it's only been a couple weeks, but I can tell."
"Well, I think you can do it. I love the way you shut Dean up!"
"I know! That was kind of great!
"Hey! Are we gonna kick or stand around and talk?" Dean yells from the sidelines.

With one last smile, Sam turns and jogs over to Dean's side. You only move back five yards this time because you know you are reaching the end of your range. You line up the kick and let it go. It looks like it's going to be short, but it barely clears the bottom of the posts. You set up another ball and let it go. This time it clears much better. You are afraid to back up anymore and hope you've shown Dean enough. "Well, what do you think Dean?"

He doesn't say anything, but just appears to study you. Then he comes jogging over, with Sam closely behind.
"How the hell does someone so small, kick like that?" he asks.
"Umm... I don't know. My dad taught me when I was little. He always wanted a boy, but got me instead."
Dean wraps an arm around your shoulders and you tense slightly. "Well, y/n, I think we have some work to do in the next two weeks, and I need to talk to coach, but I think you have a good shot at making the team."
"What?" you say moving out from under his arm. "Really?"
"Yeah. Now I have to go meet Heather, can you two put this stuff up?"
"Sure, of course. Thanks so much Dean!"
"No, thank you, y/n. See ya later Sammy."
"Later Dean," Sam says but Dean is already headed towards the gate.

"Sam!! I'm so excited!" you say throwing your arms around Sam.
"I knew you could do it!" he says hugging you back.
"But now the hard works begins. Will you help me get ready for tryouts, Sam?"
"Of course, y/n."

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