"Yes, Father. I understand."

"Good. I love you, Emberleigh. Never forget that. Everything I do is in yours, and the countries best interest." He smiled down at me and hugged me and I hugged him back. 

Turning away, I went to go tell Grey my discovery. 


I found him in the corner flirting with a fake blonde girl with clothes too skimpy for her own good. I rolled my eyes as her leaned in to whisper something in her ear that made her laugh. A fake laugh that made me know that she was only talking to Grey for his power and status. I walked over and yanked on his sleeve. The girl noticed me and sobered up quickly. Quickly, she bowed and said, "You highness" in a squeaky voice then rushed away. 

"Aww what'd you do that for Em? She was hot."

"I need to talk to you." He noticed my expression and pulled me away into the hallway.

"What happened? Did you ask him?" I nodded. "Did he say yes?" I shook my head no. 

"Aw Em, I'm sorry. I know how much you wanted to go." My sisters, Audriana and Karina(or Audri and Kara), came out into the hallway. 

"Hey guys, what's going on?" Audri said when she saw us.

"She asked him. He said no." Grey answered for me.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry." Kara replied. Both of them ran over and hugged me. "I know that you wanted to go to America really badly. I'm sorry." I shrugged. 

"It's okay. I did really want to go though. Oh well. I'll figure something out." I told them. "We'd better get back inside before someone notices we're missing though."

"She's right. You should all be inside." We froze as my father spoke. We turned and sheepishly smiled. His strict look turned into a knowing smile as he led us all back into the ballroom. 

Everyone was sitting at the many tables placed around the room. As we walked over to our table and got ready to sit, everyone stood in respect to our family, then sat back down when we did. 

The servants slowly started to bring out the food, starting with our family then moving outwards. At a table next to me were my best friends from school. My father allowed me to go to an actual school because he knew that nobody would dare try and hurt me while I was there. Even so, I had to have at least 3 bodyguards at all times. I didn't mind all that much. I have known them all since birth and love them like my brothers so it didn't matter. 

Amber and Kimberly whispered my name across the tables and waved. I smiled and waved back. We couldn't talk across tables because that was considered rude, but we could silently talk. They were spending the night afterward tonight, so it didn't matter much anyways. We all winked at each other and turned back to the conversations at our table. 

I had just missed the end of a question. Directed at me. That was not good. 

"I'm sorry, can you repeat that?" I said politely to one of the parliament members of Albania. He turned to the person next to him and said, "This is why she is not fit to rule. She chose waving to her little subjects over talking with the elite of this table."

I was appalled. 

"I'm sorry, but I treat my 'subjects' like my best friends. Anything the need me for or anytime they need to talk to me, I am there. The entire reason this country is still here is because of the people. Without them, we would have nothing to rule over, and the country would fall apart. Maybe you should learn to respect your people a little bit more, sir."

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