the one where the family defeat a bee (many bees)

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it was calm for once in the supreme family house. everyone was peaceful. harley and peter were building a lego set, morgan was playing with her dolls, nebula was playing paper football with tony, and stephen was in the bathroom, showering. it was silent, until...


peter's enhanced hearing caught it, and his spidey senses were going off.
"there's something here." he muttered, causing the others to turn to him. they all stopped what they were doing, staying silent. nebula slowly got her knife out whilst morgan got out a fairy princess wand. the same sound appeared again.


"what is that?" tony whispered, activating his suit. suddenly, the enemy appeared.

a small black and yellow bee.

morgan screeched, hiding behind her older sister.
"what is that?" nebula asked. she still hadn't gotten used to stuff on earth such as its animals.
"the most deadliest thing known to mankind." harley muttered, also summoning his own suit. peter got his web shooters out.
"but it is so small." nebula raised a brow, walking up to the tiny beast. "can we not just shoo it away?" she started waving her arm around, trying to get the bee to fly away.

that's when it attacked.

the bee stung her. she winced, holding onto her hand.
"why did that hurt?"
"that's the power of the bee." peter said in an eerie voice.
"but it's dead now anyway." tony sighed, pointing at the bee quivering in the corner.
"aww poor- AAAGH!" harley screamed when he saw two more bees fly out the window.
"SHIT!" morgan and tony exclaimed, causing the adult to send a quick side glance at the young girl. peter quickly swung over to the window and closed it before any more bees came in.

but now they had to deal with two bees.

"what are we going to do?" morgan asked, now hiding behind the sofa.
"we shoot it." tony replied, trying to shoot the bees with his laser. harley did the same, but they both had terrible aim.
"so you can shoot villains in missions, but not two fucking bees?" nebula exclaimed. she threw a knife towards one of the bees, but it didn't work. tony and harley continued to shoot.
"peter, try and tell them to stop! you're kind of a bug, right?" tony turned around and saw peter was gone.
"sPIDERS ARE ARACHNIDS, DAD!" peter's voice was heard from upstairs. nebula threw another knife, and this time, one of the bee's stung her. she crawled behind the sofa with morgan, holding her sister close.
"dAD, WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?" harley asked, tears glistening in his eyes.
"stop shooting it isn't going to wo-" tony paused when harley accidentally shot a vase. the sound of it breaking echoed across the house.
"wHAT WAS THAT?" stephen called from upstairs.
"noTHING, HONEY!" tony called back. suddenly, two portals opened from behind the bees. the bees flew through it, leaving the house. tony and harley sighed in relief whilst morgan and nebula crawled away from the sofa. the all turned around to face stephen who was floating. he had a "i'm so tired of your shit" face. peter was clinging into him, crying.
"are- are they gone?" he spluttered. stephen pushed him away.
"honey, i-"
"this is why i have the brain cell 90% of the time." stephen said, before floating back upstairs. "also, that vase better be fixed. nebula, there's luckily a spell to heal bee stings."

nebula finally learnt how dangerous bees were and got her bee stings fixed. she was currently sharpening her knives, morgan, peter and harley all sat together to watch spongebob and tony and stephen were cuddled up on the sofa.

the house had finally gone back to its quiet state.

but, not for long.

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