The Vampire Hunter

Start from the beginning

"Which is why you should lock her in the cell," I say, "really Damon, are you that stupid?"

Damon sighs, "I've done what I can."

"Which has done nothing but cause damage," I say, "don't ever call me again." I hang up the phone and walk back to the table. I hand Elijah his phone and sit back down in my chair. Suddenly, as if right on cue, the doorbell rings. Everyone gets up to answer it, but I pull Finn back. "We need to leave," I say to him.

"Why," he asks.

"It's Elena," I say, "she's going to tell them about Esther's plan." He nods and follows me out the back door. Finn takes the lead as we run through the forest. He leads me to the witch house where I find Esther. She's laid down a pentagram made of salt. Four torches were standing in each direction. Esther's placing the salt bag on the ground when we get there. She looks to us with confusion.

"What are you doing here," she asks us.

"Elena's going to tell them about our plan," Finn says.

She sighs, "I should've put a spell on her that would've made her forget everything."

"It doesn't matter now," I say, "all of your children will soon learn the truth and they'll try to stop us. We have to start the spell now."

"We can't," Esther says, "I need the moon to draw power from."

I sigh, "Then we'll need a cloaking spell to keep us hidden from them. Elijah's smart, he'll try to use Bonnie to try to find us." She nods and turns towards the house. She chants in Latin as Finn and I pace nervously. We have 13 hours before the moon reaches its apex and a lot can happen in 13 hours. When Esther's done, she turns to us and smiles.

"It's done," she says, "it'll hold them off for a while, but it won't stop them from finding us. The Bennett witch will lead them here if we don't hurry when the time comes."

"Then we mustn't sit out here in the open," Finn says.

"We can hide in the house," I say. They both nod and we walk towards the house. When I walk in, I'm not surprised to find that the witches no longer hold a grudge against me. Esther goes down into the basement while Finn and I stay on the first floor. The hours pass slowly, but soon night falls and the moon is reaching its apex. "What time is it," I ask Finn.

"I don't know," Finn says. I eye him and he smiles. "I haven't gotten around to learning how to use a cell phone," Finn admits, "I haven't been awake long enough."

I smile, "well, maybe I could teach you if you..."

He nods, "I'm doing this for my family, Cordelia. I'm ready to die. I've had a long life and I don't want to be around long enough for Niklaus to dagger me again."

I sigh, "I understand, but still. You're my family Finn, that's not something that I can let go of easily."

"You'll be ok," Esther says, walking into the room. Finn and I turn to face her and we see her sigh. "It's time," she says, "light the torches." Finn nods and heads out into the yard to light the torches. Esther places her hands on my shoulders and sighs, "my children will try to kill me tonight."

I sigh, "They'll try to kill me as well."

"If I do die tonight, I want you to have my grimiore," Esther says, "I have it hidden in Elijah's room."

I nod, "thank you."

She smiles, "let's go and get this over with then." I follow her out to the yard where Finn has lit the torches. The fire provides us with light and warmth. "Step into the circle," Esther instructs. We do as she says and step into the salt circle. Esther walks to the edge of the circle and sighs. I hear something in the distance and I turn to Finn. The expression on his face says that he heard it too.

The Vampire Diaries: The Dead RiseWhere stories live. Discover now