Gotham Hero's or Rogues Gallery?

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Alright, we have two sides of this account. There is the Gotham Hero's and the Gotham Rogue's Gallery.

The two new books just published are about both sides, there are certain Villainy crimes you must accomplish to become a Gotham Rogue, and certain heroin acts you must complete to become a hero.

If you think you are a villain go to <Gotham Rogue's Gallery> book on our account and sign up.

If you think you are a hero go to <Gotham Hero's> book on our account.

Are you up for the challenge? And the tests?

(Also still looking for a Jim, Dark Knight or J Valeska to help with this account.. If you wish to be a different hero or rogue it will be considered, see 'G.C.P.D' chapter to learn more!)

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 12, 2019 ⏰

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