Moose to the Rescue

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Shakey and nervous...well this is new. I probably looked like a creep to other people walking by, as i just stared in awe at Jenson. And after about 5 minutes, I mustered up enough courage to go and introduce myself.

"H-Hi...I'm Samantha, do you mind if I have my picture taken with you?" I grinned sheepishly as I pulled out my phone.

"Yea, I mind! Why the Hell do you want to take a picture with me?" He asked in a confused/creeped out tone.

"Because I'm a big fan of Supernatural, Jenson..."

"oh great, not again.." He murmured,"Listen kid, my name's not Jens-" Just then, a wild Moose appeared.

"Hey Dean, so um...who's this?" You have got to be kidding me. Role play? Or...could they be the real deal? That would explain the Impala,but just to be sure....

"Sam? Dean? Winchester?" Whoops, that didn't come out like I wanted it to.

Dean forcefully grabbed me by the arm, and brought me to the back of the store. Sammy followed close behind, shouting for Dean(Thank God there was hardly anyone around, to notice this). He finally let go, but then lifted me by my shirt collar,"How do you know our names? You thought my name was Jenson, not even 3 minutes ago.." He scowled. "Are You a demon?"

"Don't you think I would've escaped your grasp by now if I was a Demon? Really now Squirrel, think before you talk.." I chuckled. Did I really just smart mouth the Dean Winchester?

"Dean, put her down." Oh look who finally caught up.

"Fine." He threw me to the ground and poured his cask of Holy Water on my face.

"Dean!" Sammy and I admonished him at the same time.

"I had to make sure Sam!"

"Oh yes, that trip to the floor was lovely. Why don't you shove salt down my throat, or cut me with a silver blade while you're at it. God Dammit Dean, I'm human!" I huffed. Sam chuckled and helped me up," Thanks Sam, at least someone has some manners around here..." I playfully glared at Dean.

"So, you never answered my question..who are you?" He looked down with a small smile on the edge of his lips.

"I'm Samantha Watts, my dear Moose. My friends also call me Sam, Sammy, and Moose by the way...just like you." I booped his nose, which was extremely hard to do, since i am only just over 5' tall.

"Please, don't call me Moose.."

"Why? Because that's what Crowley calls you?"

"How do you know that?" Dean asked.He is really starting to get on my nerves.

"Lets just say, I know a lot about you two..."

"Like..?" They say simultaneously.

"Wouldn't you love to know, but sadly, I have groceries to take home to my mom." I brushed off my shoulders, and walked off to go find where my cart was left.

When I got back by the pie samples, my cart was gone....and my purse along with it."Shit!"

Sam and Dean came up behind me. Dean spoke," What's wrong kid?" Oh, now he decides to be nice?

"First of all, don't call me kid. Secondly, my cart of food is gone, and so is my purse.."

"Are you sure you left it here?" I nod,"well...then go grab all your items again, we'll pay." Dean gave a smile and Sam looked a bit confused,"I have to repay you somehow, for being a jerk.."

"Thanks! I'll get an extra pie, just for you."

He pumped his fist in the air in triumph, and I ran off to get another cart.


So,hey guys! What do you think of it so far?

I know this story was of short notice, and i still have 2 other fics that i'm still writing, but once i found the idea, I just had to write it.

Love you guys!


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