Chapter 19

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(A/N: I just wanted to say that I dedicate this chapter to micoolmyboi! They have been so supportive of this story and make my day!)

Meg's POV

*4 1/2 months later*

~during a lets play~

"MICHAEL NOO!" I yelled as he killed me yet again.

"Fuck you....." I mumbled.

"Hey, you announce you have diamond I'm gonna kill you and take it." he reasoned.

"Yeah, that wasn't a very smart move." Geoff said.

"Whatever. Im gonna go get a water." I said while getting up.

"Woah! Woah! Leaving right in the middle of a lets play! That's not very professional...." Ray joked.

"Like this company is professional, anyway, you guys want anything?" I asked.

"Yeah, get me a red bull." Michael said.

"Whiskey!!" Geoff said.

"Water." Ray said. The other three said they didn't want anything, so I walked out into the kitchen.

Lindsay was in there, looking horrified and clutching her stomach in pain.

"Lindsay are you alright?!" I asked, running over to her. She looked up at me.

"I think my water just broke." she said. I froze for a second, then acted quickly.

"Fuck fuck fuck....alright stay here....Im going to get Michael!" I said and ran back to the office.

"MICHAEL!!! MICHAEL!!" I yelled, and busted through the door.

"What the fuck do you want?!" he said.

"LINDSAYS HAVING HER BABY!" I said quickly. His eyes widened and he panicked.

"Holy fuck! We need to get her to the hospital!" he said, and sprinted out the door.

I saw the rest of the achievement hunters run out the door and helped Michael get Lindsay to the car. We all hopped in the car and quickly got to the emergency room, where only Michael was allowed to be in the room when she gave birth.

We waited and waited, sometimes hearing Lindsay scream in agony.

"That's going to be you in a couple months."

Eventually, Michael came out to us, with the hugest smile of his face.

"You guys can come in now." he said softly. We got up and excitedly followed him. When we got there, we saw Lindsay laying in a hospital bed, holding a tiny newborn baby while wiping tears of happiness from her eyes.

"He's beautiful." Lindsay said in an angelic voice.

"Have you guys decided on a name yet?" Ryan asked.

"Yep." Michael said.

"Hunter Vince Jones." Lindsay purred.

"Oh god. You're already setting him up for failure." Geoff joked, making us all bust out laughing.

"I think it's a perfect name." I said, smiling widely. Oh what am I saying, everyone in the room was smiling like a fool! But you couldn't blame us, it was a happy occasion.

"It sure is." Gavin admitted.

Michael took out his voice and we gathered round to take a picture. He took it quickly, then typed on his phone. A few seconds later we got an alert saying he posted something on twitter, and we checked it.

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