Jordan laughs, a deep gravelly chortle that instantly makes my insides flip. He moves closer, filling the very little space between us.

“Emma Elizabeth Lane,” his breath brushes against my cheek, teasing the heat to my cheeks. “I love you, and I’ve waited for so long to hear you say you love me too. I’m not going anywhere now, not when I’ve got everything that I’ve ever wanted and needed. You’re stuck with me forever, I’m afraid.”

I look up from under my tear soaked eyelashes, trying to read his eyes as I see the truth in them. They are the most sincere shade of blue, and I’m almost totally lost in them until Jordan closes his eyes, his lips getting closer to mine.

Just as I think he’s going to kiss me, he stops, almost asking for my permission to touch me. His thumbs circle behind my ears, shivers racing up and down my spine as a deep wanting fills my core. His nose touches mine and as our foreheads connect, I know that this is it. My first proper kiss.

Jordan jerks away from me, a startled look possessing him as the vibration in my pocket intensifies. My phone buzzes again, the caller ID song telling me that it was my father before I had even seen the screen.

I fumble in the pocket of my jeans, yanking the cell phone out and furiously answering the call.

“What?” I demand and instantly regret the force I’d used in my voice. “No, Dad. We’re on our way. Just chill out, ok? I’ll be home in five minutes. Yeah, I promise.”

I don’t even say ‘bye’ as I end the call, dropping my head into my hands and groaning loudly. Dad has perfect timing; he couldn’t have called at a worse time. As I look up, peeping out from behind my fingers, I see Jordan waiting patiently for me to speak.

“Sorry,” I mumble through embarrassment. “I’m going to kill him when I get home if that’s any consolation?”

Jordan laughs and my body relaxes immediately. “It’s ok. We’ve got plenty of time seeing as how we’re dating now.”

“We’re dating?”

“Yes,” Jordan smiles. You are my girlfriend.”

I smile, my face not being able to conceal my excitement. It was official- Jordan Knight is my boyfriend.

Oh, Jesus. Serial dater and sex obsessed player Jordan Knight is my boyfriend. The rumor mill at Newport High is just going to love that piece of gossip tomorrow morning. And what will Abigail Somers, the girl who only less than a day ago was attached to his lips, have to say about it? Things weren’t going to be pretty at all.

But Jordan was my boyfriend, now. There was nothing that was going to change that. He loves me and wants to be with me. It’s not every day a guy is willing to climb up a trellis for you, and hold you tightly when you’re crying your heart out. Guys like that, the good ones, are the ones to keep a tight hold on. If Jordan wanted out of this relationship, then it was him that was going to have to be the one to end it.

The car roared back to life, and soon we were on the way home. As we pulled up outside Jordan’s house I could see my father pacing the porch, wearing out the paintwork on the wood as he quickened his steps impatiently.

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