Chapter 2 - National A-Hole Day

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Doctors swarmed the trio asking intricate questions and observing their injuries. Libra brushed off their impending inquiries with a look, "We're fine, but Sagittarius needs medical attention immediately. He was shot twice; once in the back of his left leg and the other in his right shoulder. He's lost a lot of blood and is barely staying conscious as we speak."

A deep blue stretcher was rushed over to them, and with some help, they were able to lay Sagittarius down as gently as possible, and have him wheeled to the medical wing. After the doctors cleared out, Libra and Leo were warmly greeted with a huge group hug.

"We missed you guys so much," Pisces cried out happily, her eyes helplessly watering at the sight of the two females.

Everyone pulled away, their smiles illuminating the room despite the dark atmosphere. Capricorn crossed her arms, shooting them a scolding glare, though it was hard to maintain her never ending smile, "Two weeks gone and no phone calls, no texts, no 'Hey I'm alive!', no information whatsoever. What were you guys trying to do, give us a heart attack?" 

Leo couldn't help the laugh that effortlessly escaped from her, "Sorry mom. But you know the rules of missions; no giving out any information unless specifically notified to do so."

"I know, I know," Capricorn teasingly rolled her eyes and pulled the blonde in for another hug, "And stop calling me mom!"

"So what exactly happened to Sagittarius," Cancer asked tentatively, her face clouded with fearfulness from her creased eyebrows, to the frown painted on her lips.

Leo's smile wavered and Libra gazed downward rubbing her arm.

"During the missions, we had a few difficulties," Libra started with hesitation, "The team we were against was a lot stronger than what we had anticipated and Sagittarius," she trailed off, not knowing how to say what she wanted to say.

"He was taken hostage," Leo stated bluntly, "Second day into our mission, and we- we made a mistake. A stupid, stupid mistake," tears welled at the corners of her eyes as she shook her head, on the verge of breaking down.

Silence dominated the room. Libra took her hand and gently gave a reassuring squeeze. The happiness that had filled the room moments ago was vanquished by the news.

"How long," Taurus's voice lowly filled the lull in the room.

"A week in a half. They took him to a different location and we had to track him down while we were still completing our original mission. We somehow managed to do both, I still don't understand how. Must have been a miracle or something," Libra managed a weak smile, "But I'm glad we did."

Orion cleared his throat and everyone immediately snapped their heads towards him, almost forgetting he was in the room. "I'd hate to be the person to interrupt this, but Libra, Leo, we have to do a debriefing. And I have a feeling that this one is going to be a long one," he gestured for the two girls to follow him.

Libra glanced at the signs, seeing their faces still struck with concern and terror, "We'll tell you guys the rest of the story later."

She lightly grabbed Leo's hand, and the two followed Orion out of the room.

Aquarius let a shaky breath out that he had been holding in, "Wow, I can't imagine what they're going through right now."

Virgo and Pisces nodded their heads in agreement.

"At least they're safe," Cancer commented. However, her thoughts kept drifting off to something else, more specifically, someone else. She couldn't help but worry about the state of her best friend, Sagittarius, she just couldn't bear seeing him in so much pain.

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