making an excuse to see him

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It was a Monday which meant the boys volleyball team had no practice and you were free to do whatever you wanted. Typically, on off days you would go to physical therapy or hang out with your friends but today you decided to veer from your usual activities. That's why you were currently walking towards Karasuno High School texting one of your old friends from a summer soccer camp that attended the school.

When you got to the school you saw your friend waiting by the gates. You smiled and waved over at her and picked up your pace.

You hugged her and thanked her for showing you around.

"Thank you so much for coming out!"

She smiled and started directing you deeper into school grounds.

"It's really no problem! I was just surprised you wanted to come to our school! Are you here to spy on us?"

You laughed and shook your head while continuing to follow her.

"If I wanted to spy on you, I wouldn't have told you I was coming over idiot!"

She giggled, "Then what are you doing here? Is Aoba Josai not the right school for you?"

You toyed with your fingers before answering, "The volleyball team came to practice at our school and one of the players left something behind... and I thought it would be a nice gesture to bring it back to him."

Her eyes widened and she elbowed you, "HIM? y/n! You would never go out of your way to return something unless... you wanted to see him again!"

Your friend's yelling garnered unwanted attention and now you could see people start to stare. You knew you shouldn't have worn your school uniform, but you had no time to change so now you stood out with your private school clothes.

You could hear whispers from the Karasuno students, "Hey who's the soccer captain walking with?"

"Isn't that an Aoba Josai uniform?" "I've never seen that cute girl before."

You smacked her and motioned for her to be quiet.

She had a grin plastered on her face as she continued to lead you towards god knows where. Suddenly she came to a stop and pointed to a gymnasium.

"That's where the boys volleyball team practices. I have to go get ready for practice, so I'll see you later!"

Your eyes widened in shock and you grabbed her arm, "You're not going with me?"

She gave you a thumbs up and winked, "You got this!"

As you watched her walk away you heard her yell back, "You owe me a practice match for today!"

You let out a sigh as you started walking towards the door leading to the inside of the gym. As you were mentally preparing yourself to talk to the cute setter a voice interrupted your thoughts.

"Why is the Aoba Josai manager here?!"

You turned to see the player by the name of Tanaka with a shorter boy with spiked hair that you didn't see at the practice match.

As he started making a commotion you saw a few other familiar faces surround you and start asking you a bunch of questions.

"Why did our soccer captain ask you for a practice match?"

"That's because I'm the soccer capt-

"Do you play volleyball?"

"No, I only play socc-

Similar to these conversations, as soon as a question was thrown out before you could even answer someone had another question.

You were starting to get extremely overwhelmed by all of the questions. For a few minutes you just stood in the midst of a small crowd while getting bombarded with more questions. As you were questioning your decision to visit Karasuno you heard a menacing voice silence them from inside the gymnasium.

When you turned towards the voice it was the team's captain.

"All of you start stretching and get ready for practice!"

After they all left you let out a sigh of relief and bowed slightly towards the captain.

"Excuse me for the intrusion! Uh... Sawamura-kun, right?"

He nodded and smiled politely, "l/n-san, what are you doing at our school?"

You bit your lower lip and felt yourself redden.

"I'm just uh here to see Sugawara-kun! He left his jacket after the practice match, so I came to return it."

A grin appeared on his face and he called out for his gray-haired friend that was practicing on the court.

"Suga! Someone's here to see you."

You heard footsteps approach you and when you saw Sugawara's face your heart fluttered. For a few seconds you couldn't muster up any words and you felt time stop. It felt like one of those corny Korean dramas where the two main characters were just staring at each other. You were brought back into reality when Daichi cleared his throat and clapped his hand on Sugawara's back.

After the raven-hair captain left, the two of you broke out into awkward laughter.

Sugawara rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment as you flipped your hair in nervousness.

"l/n-san, it's good to see you again!"

You nodded enthusiastically (perhaps too enthusiastically) and searched for the proper words. It was rare that you, the captain of Aoba Josai's soccer team, was at a loss for words. Your confidence paralleled that of Oikawa Toru and you were known for always speaking your mind. However, in front of Sugawara Koushi, you found that the cat indeed had your tongue.

"Uhm... I brought back your jacket! Thank you for letting me borrow it!"

You took out the bag with his jacket (and a piece of paper with your phone number stuffed in the pocket) and handed it to him. As he took the bag from your hands, he gave you one of his signature smiles and it made your heart do a little flip. God, he was really cute.

"Since you're here, would you like to stay and help us practice?"

You blinked a few times before responding to his request, "I would love to as long as the rest of the team doesn't mind!"

He laughed gently and gestured towards the rest of the team, "I really don't think any of them would mind having a pretty girl join practice."

Your cheeks reddened at his words. All you could think about was how he had just casually called you pretty. As you were replaying his words in your mind, he had gone into the gym to tell them about your voluntary assistance. When you snapped out of your daze, the Karasuno manager was next to you, showing you wear the club room as so that you could change.

Teenage Dream (Sugawara Koushi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now