"That was a little quick" i laughed and we went downstairs she went in the kitchen and i opened the door

"Wussup beautiful" i grabbed her duffle bag "damn what you moving in" she laughed

"No... I got a change of clothes and im spending the night" i laughed

"Says who" i looked at her and she balled up her face "sike I'm just tugging your lace" she laughed

"I was finna say order me a uber back home like right now" she flopped on my bed

"Nah.. Im not like that suger plump"

"Shut up you are really corny" she laughed

"But im achieving my goal"

"And what is that"

"To make you laugh"

"Awww you are so ugh..." She smiled and jumped up

"You hype as shit" i laughed

"I know im sorry" she sat down

She is kinda like the generic Bianca

"You hungry" i asked

"Umm... Yeah" she hesitated

"Come on" i grabbed her hand and pulled her downstairs "B we hungry" B looked at me and laughed

"Oh wait aren't you the girl" Cherri pointed at B and squinted

"No i am i new person" B smiled at her

"No you the bitch that put your fucking hands on my at my jobs" she walked up to B

"Aye aye.." I pulled her back "chill little girl... Watch your mouth"

"No she almost got me fired... And she lucky i didn't get fired or..."

"Ma'am i said im a new person now don't my switch up real quick cause i dont take threats lightly so chill out" B snapped

"Is that a threat bitch"

Bianca's POV

"Is that a threat bitch" she yelled

Now im tryna stay calm and be nice cause Monty likes her but this bitch is finna die

"Take it how you want just shut up" i laughed a little

"Cherri just relax ma" he sighed

"Why is she here what is she your maid or nanny or something"

"No thats my sister" i scoffed

"Lets go upstairs she is annoying me with her presence" she sighed

"Man whatever... B can you make ME some food" i nodded

"Thank you" he kissed my on my cheek and they left

Montrell's POV

We walked in my room and she flopped on my bed

"So if shes just your sister why did she put her hands on me" she balled up her face

"If i told you that was my sister why you still pressing the issue"

"What do you mean pressing" she snapped her neck

"I mean what the fuck i said why you still pressing it"

"Sorry sir but im confused on why she put her hands on me"

"Dont call me sir"

"Well" she she rolled her neck "SIR can you order me an uber cause you pist me off" she rolled her hand

"Sure can cause i aint got time" i started searching for my phone

"Dont have time for what"

"This little funky ass attitude"

"Whatever my dude but when i was offering pussy you had mad time for me"

"First of all you offered up pussy ma'am"

"Well SIR you made it seem like that's all you wanted" she shook her head

"No thats all you think i wanted and i didnt really care to be honest and stop calling me sir i asked you nicely" i snapped

"Oh shut the fuck up this is boring... Find you phone and send me home the fuck"

I wanted to smack this bitch

"Who you talking to" i walked up to her

"You cause you getting me tight like fuck outta here my nigga" she stood up in my face and pushed me

"Don't put your fucking hands on me"

"Nigga move then" she grabbed her bag

"Nah cause you bugging" i walked in her face "move me"

"Move Montrell" she looked at me and starred at me

"You mad" i asked and she looked at me me like i was crazy

"Move you are weird" she laughed and pushed me again

I grabbed her arm and pulled her into a hug and she eventually hugged me back

"You are so weird" she pulled back and starred

I kissed her and she deepen the kissed

She took off her clothes

And y'all already know

Nobody's Type *BBW love story*Where stories live. Discover now