Am I Wrong?

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2002- born on the 21st of April was Jacqueline Free. A sweet baby girl with brown hair and emerald eyes.

2015- Jackie is now 13 years old. Has the wavy brown hair and the pretty green eyes, but bruises underneath them. You see Jackie is a boy but others won't let him be. Others see him as a disgrace. He has to deal with the fights every day. Getting told he's wearing the wrong clothes, looking the wrong way, that he likes the wrong people, going to hell when he dies. Yet, he pushes through because he knows himself. Jacquline doesn't exist to him anymore, but his family still sees her and not him.

2016- Jackie came out to his family. He just got bombarded with questions, none of them good. "Are you sure!?" "So you weren't born a girl? Because I'm pretty sure that's what we had, right?" "Why can't you just be normal?". Jackie ran away that night and was gone to a friend, Susie's, house for a week. When he came back things were still a bit tense but easing up as time progressed. Jackie still gets bullied at school and a bit by his brothers, and he knows it's going to happen but it still gets to him in those late night thoughts.

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