Flash forward

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I would just like to thank cookie0823 for sending me this LOVELY picture and actually participating like a good person. Thank you.


I am now 15- two more days till my sweet sixteen! I am best friends with my cousin Tivona. She has nature powers. We like to test each other. Ever since that night at North's Dad has been training me. He's been showing me how to use my powers like he uses his.

On this particular day it is a Tuesday and I am training with Dad. I have been up since 5:30 and it is currently 1:11. Our lesson today is camouflage. "Come on Jessa! All you do is-"

"I know WHAT to do, I just don't know HOW to do it!" I shouted at him for the thousandth time. He sighed, exasperated.

"Ok. You focus on the color you want and will he fire to change Then you bring it up around you in a cocoon and then you are invisible." I was perfectly capable of this, only he was asking a me to make the fire BLACK. Black. Black is the color of evil, and also Pitch's sand. My powers CAME from Pitch's sand. If I try to make my fire black, I have flashbacks, migraines, and sometimes blackouts.

Nonetheless I tried. My dad was in a bad mood today because he had tried to make me a present and it blew up. At least that's what Mom told me. With my family, when a birthday is coming up, you can never know. So anyway, I was trying to please my dad. I willed my fire to turn black. Immediately I had bad thoughts but I forged on.

"There ya go!" He was saying. The migraine got stronger as I brought the fire up around me. "Good job!" I heard him clapping. That's when I blacked out. The last thing I heard was the familiar rush of wind as he flew over to me and the faint call of "Elsa!" and that's when I lost consciousness.


I pushed her too hard. I should have paid attention. I knew she couldn't do BLACK! Why did I make her do it? And worse I was ENCOURAGING her when she was exerting herself! I called Elsa. She was gonna KILL me. "JACK I'M KINDA BUSY!!!" She called. Of course. It was Jessie's nap time. I wiped my hands from left to right once and my repertoire of healing potions and frosts appeared. I filled a syringe and injected them all. None worked. Tears began streaming down my face. I don't know why, I mean she was still alive. Just passed out. Then Elsa appeared in the doorway to our private practive room. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!?!" She shrieked.

"We- we were doing c-camouflage a-and we were blending in with black and-"

"BLACK?! YOU MADE HER DO BLACK FIRE?!!" She was REALLY mad. I was SO dead.

"I WASNT THINKING!" I sighed. "You know what I saw last night. That's what I was thinking about."

"What did you see last night?" We both got a minor case of whiplash as we turned to see Jessa sitting up, staring at us.


Pain. I had to resist the urge to jump up and grab Dad's syringe and melt it. Think about it. ICE remedies. FIRE powers. Do you doubt my pain? Still I played unconscious. I knew (and don't ask how) that once Mom got down here, they'd have a serious conversation. But when I heard that Dad had SEEN something-well I lost it. Besides, he can't lie to me. He's physically incapable. We have too strong of a bond.

"Uh- n-nothing sweetie." I gave him a look that said 'you REALLY wanna try that?' He relented. "Ok. Fine. You win. Last night I had a dream. I saw you and..."


Since my incedent yesterday, we decided we would take a break today and I would chill with my mom. We were gong out in the town. First we went to the ICICLE, our favorite café. We were taking about the subject if the thing that scared her mod: boys. "I'm a day away from being SIXTEEN. I NEED a boyfriend."

"I don't understand, Jessa."

"It's simple. I'm sixteen. I have this... URGE to want a boy." She scoffed.

"I didn't even MEET your father until I was 21." I was just about to speak when our food came. I had ordered and AMAZING cocoa-spice mini-cheesecake, while Mom had bought a warm moist orange bunt cake, and had iced it with frost. We continued our conversation when a pair of ice bells appeared and clanged together melodically. "Well. I guess it's time for us to go home. GIRVA! Bring us our bill!" We wrapped up our food and left.


The night wasn't very exiting. But Jack had another dream.


*sigh* my birthday! SQEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I jumped out of bed. I put on my strapless gown that went to my ankles and cinched at the waist. I slipped on my orange felt heels, and my orange stone necklace, and matching earrings. I brushed my thick, dark hair, and let it run loose around my shoulders, but, deciding it looked messy, I tied an orange ribbon around it and tied the bow on top. Then I slipped on my bracelet I had made from a dragon's skin. Then I stepped outside my door and headed for the living room. No one was there. I went to Jackie's room. I opened the door. He was asleep. I tiptoed in and made a small fire ball. Then I shot it at his butt! We are tight so we do this to each other every day. "AHHHH!" He screamed. "Oh you little..."

"Ah ah ah! It's my birthday! Can't do ANYTHING to me." He laughed. So did I. We went to our parents room. As I opened the door it started to melt. That's weird. Normally I have control over my powers. I Ignored it, and followed Jackie to our parents bed. On three, we both blasted a small portion of our powers in the air. It formed A small tornado that sucked at our parents' hair. They sat up straight and started laughing when they saw us laughing. We all went to the living room and saw that Aunt Anna, Uncle Kristoff, Tivona, and their new baby daughter Gwenyth, who has ice AND nature powers. I wasn't focused on hem though. I was focused on he cake that had with them.

Jessa, gaurdian of hopeWhere stories live. Discover now