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"Hey, Hun." My mom smiles as she opens the door for me. "How was school?" She turns back and heads into the kitchen, probably finishing what soup she was making.

"It was school." I say in a chuckle and toss my bag aside.

I look to the pile of shoes but don't bother to fix them. I stand at the door and just wait for my mom to say more.

"When will dad be home from work?" I shout into the kitchen, hoping she can hear me. She may not, the food cooking seems to be being loud.

"I'm unsure." She says in a dry voice. I can't help at shiver at how cold she's being.

I take my shoes and tugg my jacket off. I go into the kitchen beside my mom and smell over the boiling pot. My mom find joys in cooking and I like that, seeing it's almost all shes got now; no job and husband always gone.

"There was someone here for you!" She smiles and points her knife up the stairs, towards my room.

I furrow my brows but she ignores my look and continues chopping.

"Who was it?" I ask as I take the knife from her and finish the celery stick.

"You don't know?" She asks me, running her hands under the sink. "They said that they were a friend of yours and you asked for them to get something from your room."

With that last line, I nearly drop everything and start dashing up the stairs. I run past my sisters room, who mumbles a little 'hi'. As soon as my door opens, I see everything completely misplaced and tossed aside.

My mattress is nearly pulled off the boards and all my drawers are open. My clothes are unfolded and my posters look like they've been pulled down by sharp claws.

Theres a piece of paper in the middle of the posters that catch my eyes. I cautiously walk closer to see in a cramp handwritting.

You asked how to get away with murder,

and dont think this is a fluke.

Look much further

this isnt from luke.

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