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Camh is a massive institution divided into several departments and clinics. The centre's major departments are: Programs and Services, Patient In-take, Science and Research, Manufacturing and development and lastly Education.

Added in 2020, the Self Care Clinic and Mental Health University were part of The Camh Mental Health Education Initiative which focused on teaching patients how to combat or manage daily symptoms of mental illness. The University's curriculum is based on CBT in order to give patients agency and control over their own mental health. In 2025, Camh's Mental Health University developed a Children's Program that visited elementary and highschools across the province in order to introduce self care and mental health strategies to youths.

In the last decade, Camh has also invested funds into building an Alternative Treatment Centre that will offer a variety of unorthodox treatments such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EDMR), Voodoo and sweat lodges for indingenous patients. If successful, the alternative treatment centre will become a fundamental department of all Camh locations.

2050Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz