Freddie's changes

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The show that marked the return of Smile to perform presented an unexpected and surprising repercussion, at least for me and the boys, but not for Freddie, who had come up the stage that night with the certainty that anyone that saw them get the jaw dropped, and look, as an eyewitness of what happened, I have to admit that he was super right.

Then, after this show, the opportunities for the boys to play multiplied. Almost every night, they had a show at some college or bar in London, without taking the ordinary weekends they were going to another city, around the capital's metropolitan area, or even a little further. I went to the shows as long as college left me, which was getting harder and harder because it was my senior year and I was very busy, but whenever I could go, I would and always ready to give moral support to the band when they needed it.

Because of that growing popularity of Smile, Freddie decided to make some suggestions. or maybe make some decisions for the band, depending on the point of view, which at first frightened me and the boys a little.

We were in Roger's apartment (the most spacious of all our group of friends apartments because his drum kit needed the space, which doesn't mean that the apartment was huge, just a little bigger), half snug on the single sofa and scattered cushions, Mary and Veronica were also present, when the vocalist pronounced.

"There's something I was thinking, folks" he began, speaking as if he didn't want anything, but he still caught our attention "we are gradually ceasing to be a secondhand band to be something more ... meaningful. And we must live up to our own significance."

"Not even Bri understood that" Roger laughed, pointing to my boyfriend's confused face.

"Translate it, please." John was ironic.

"Our looks have to change, we're always in the same style, and we're kind of out of fashion, Deaky and Brian are always too formal, Rog ... I can cope with his style ..." Freddie pointed to his friends.

"Too formal? Too formal?" Brian repeated, in a tone of complaint, mimicking Freddie "dude, we would be formal if we all wear a suit and tie and that we don't do it. Ask our parents if they approve of our style to do a show, I think this is the biggest proof that you need to see that we are not so formal as you think."

"I know, I know that." Freddie accepted the criticism, at least for the moment, "but it might be a little more ... flamboyant! Impress before we even sing and play."

"I'm scared now," John murmured.

"You have nothing to fear, my dears!" Freddie made sure and he exchanged a confidential smile with Mary, as if the two were keeping a secret of theirs alone.

"So that giant bag you two brought was that?" Roger pointed at both of them. and Freddie went to his room.

"What bag?" I asked.

"Mary and Freddie came before you, carrying a large bag, I asked why, I even said I wasn't giving a sleepover, and then I asked what was in it, and Fred here forbade me to ask, or look inside it, he said it was a surprise ... " the drummer explained in a not satisfied voice.

"And I was just waiting for that moment." Freddie set the freaking bag in the middle of the room and rubbed his hands, clearly excited.

Soon afterwards he distributed the costumes that he had thought to each of the bandmates. John, Brian, and Roger made variations of the same expression of "What is this?!" when they received their "gift": Out of shame and out of respect for the ladies present, the four of them squeezed into Roger's room to change. Freddie joined them, of course he had already thought about what he would use to match the rest of his friends.

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