11. A Brother's Comfort and Concerns

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Multimedia passed by pretty quickly since all class ended up doing was copying down important words and phrases that would be used through out the year and created a seating chart for the first quarter of the school year. The teacher let Luis and Ái stay where they were because she could clearly see that she was sitting there for a reason. The bell rang and the the class was over and the students left, realizing why graduates from the school call the place the strictest school in Amestris. Day two and the teachers are already getting ready to crack down. Things were easy yesterday but the students who would try to get away with crap are going to learn quick that that kind of behavior will not fly on this campus...

Luis hurried off to his next class and Ái took a seat under a big tree by the library, pulling out her book to read and it was merely a few minutes before someone sat down by her. "Thought I'd find you here, you always have liked quiet places off to the side." Alex said as he sat down, careful of his side and she smiled when he started messing with her hair. It was sort of a habit for him, playing with her hair. She guessed it was something to do with the thought of losing her or her getting hurt but in the end, she didn't mind and decided not to look into it too much, just letting him sit there and braid a small chunk of it in the way he always did; any picture of those two together after he'd joined the military always showed her hair like that, down and with a small braid on her right side of her head, giving a small accent to the long, midnight locks that she cared for so well. "Why aren't you with the Elric girl from this morning? Her and what's-her-face. Still too shy?"

"Yeah... I'll try to be friends with them, but they make me nervous with how bold they are." She replied softly, yawning and turning the page of her book, her gaze not shifting from the book now that it had regained her attention. He smiled and got comfortable by her. "Shouldn't you be with Ryan? Or Jonathan?"

"Probably, but I thought I'd spend some time with you right now and you seem to want to stay here. Not to mention, the shade is really nice." He replied sweetly, a caring smile on his face and she shut her book and leaned against his chest, feeling happy that he was home again. "So, how are your teachers?"

"My first and third period teachers are really nice."

"Well good, who is your alchemy teacher?"


"And Choir?"


"He's easy; I had him for health last year. You'll get along with him fine." He commented, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, supporting their weight with his left arm since it was stronger than his right. There was a slight breeze that brushed cool against the skin but the general didn't mind and his sister was bundled up in his hoodie still, and he could tell that since it was now relevant to her, he wouldn't be getting it back. She always preferred hand-me-downs from him because they had sentimental value.

"I know, he's been nice to me as of-" her sentiment was left unfinished as she began a small coughing fit, bent over herself. He gently rubbed her back with a worried look.

"You were coughing some this morning too... Up. I'm taking you to the nurse."

"Alex, I'm ok. It's just-"

"No arguing. If it's nothing then the nurse can tell me that and you can harp on me later for being too much of a worry-wart, but I don't want to take the chance of you overtiring yourself at school while sick."

"...Fine..." She relented and got up off of him, reaching for her bag but his hand was quicker as he grabbed it and slung it over his shoulder. He slowly lead her to the office and told the nurse to look her over, only to have been right and needing to drive her home real quick and making her rest until their parent got home from the meeting they were in, Hayate lying with her in her bed for protection. He hated to leave her home alone, but the school office made it clear that he needed to return by 4th period or he'd be marked truant and he knew that his mother would not be happy with him if that went on his transcripts. He gave Hayate the unnecessary order to protect her and headed back after she'd taken some medicine and dozed off.

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