Chapter 11- The fight

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Will looked at Jem, but Jem said nothing. He decided to say it anyway. "If Tessa can change into people and access their thoughts and memories, why doesn't she try and change into deQuincy? Then maybe we can see what he plans on doing" Charlotte's face lightened up. "That could actually work"

"Look at Herondale, for once the words coming out of his mouth aren't utter rubbish" Gabriel said, with a complete straight face, and only smiled when Will frowned at him. What was his problem?

"Can you do that?" Jem asked Tessa, and Tessa seemed to look thoughtful.

"I guess I could try. I have the dress I wore when I was captured, I could use that as an anchor" she said, and Will suddenly remembered the day he found Tessa. Unconscious and covered in sticky, warm blood. Will's heart contracted unwillingly.

The rest of dinner passed with little to no talking, except for small conversations between the Lightwoods, and him and Jem, who seemed to now think that Tessa changing into deQuincy was a bad idea. Will, over dinner managed to convince Jem otherwise, although he might have just said that to get Will to shut up. But, a good point Jem had made was that deQuincy was a vampire. A vampire who technically was dead, with no heart and needed no oxygen to survive. Tessa hadn't ever changed into anyone like that. From what he had heard, she had only changed into a warlock and a normal mundane. What if changing into a vampire killed her? His stomach twisted painfully at the thought.

It was just after 5 in the morning, and Will was wide awake. He couldn't sleep, his head was banging, and he kept hearing different voices, Jem's, Tessa's, but worst of all he could hear the sound of the werewolf screaming, taking his last breaths, his partner's sobs, the curse. Will took a deep breath in and out to clear his head, and putting on some shoes he went to the weapons room. It was the only place in the institute where he could let out some anger.

His hand ran along the line of weapons, stacked and displayed like trophies his mother had in the living room. Trophies won by him and his sister's. His hand lingered over three daggers. Will took all three by their beautiful wooden hilts, all three carved so intricately, Will couldn't see one clear spot on it. The wood was a deep managing, contrasting with the clean, clear blade, which was heavy steal. Will rolled the hilt around in his palm positioning himself at the target. He focused on the middle of the target, aimed his shot, and threw. He repeated the same thing with all the three, each one hitting the pinpoint middle of the targets. He smiled, remembering when he was little, and he had just met Jem. Jem had always been the best at aimed shots, with daggers and other smaller weapons. Will on the other hand had always relied on the one to one combat, using longer swords. Will had always been reckless, and he had always admired that about Jem. Jem never panicked, no matter what the situation. Jem had always been better than him, though Will had never felt jealously.

Will had been there, in the weapons room for about an hour, when he was interrupted from his trance, by a voice he hated more than himself.

"What 'cha doin' Herondale? Pretending the targets my face?" Gabriel Lightwood stood just outside, leaning against the door frame.

"Now I am" Will muttered. He really didn't need Gabriel's idiocity right now. Will hoped that ignoring him would make him go away, but to him annoyance Gabriel took out a spear from the racks.

"Care to fight?" He said, a stupid smile forming on his tanned face.

"No" Will's answer was short.

"Why? You think I'll win?" Gabriel was trying to poke at him. He wasn't in the mood.

"You know I will Gabriel, what do you want?" Will was tired, of everything, not just the stuck up brat that was talking to him.

"Nothing, but if your so sure you'll win then what's wrong Herondale?"

Will sighed and placed the dagger's on the racks, picking up one of his favourite longswords. He turned around to see Gabriel ready to attack. Gabriel lunged and Will blocked it with ease, and that continued for a while. One lunged, the other blocked. This carried on for a while, so Will let his mind

wander. What time was it? Had breakfast happened? No, it couldn't have, he hadn't heard the bell."Herondale?" Gabriel's voice snapped him out of his thoughts again.

"What?" Will's voice sounded irritated. He was.

"What are you thinking?"

Will said nothing.

"Thinking of the pretty brunette at the breakfast table? Tessa was it?" Will said nothing again. He felt his face harden. When Will said nothing, Gabriel smiled, probably sensing he had hit a nerve.

"She's is pretty isn't she?" He drawled, just to get to Will.

"What happened Herondale? Spoiled her innocence already have we? Or embarrassed her just like you embarrassed my sister. My dead sister should I mention? You know, when you were younger you were always like that weren't you? Before Jem you had no regard for other's feelings. My sister loved you. LOVED YOU!!" He was getting angry. "So you know what?" Gabriel laughed dryly.

"I'm gonna mess with you Herondale. Starting with the pretty brunette you seem to have an eye on" At that Will slid his leg though Gabriel's feet, causing him to fall to the floor with a loud thud. Will put his foot on Gabriel's rapidly rising and falling chest, feeling his heart pound.

"You will not lay a finger on Tessa, I will make sure of it. Do you understand?" Gabriel looked directly into his eyes, Will could see the fear in them, as Gabriel nodded. Will was about to say more, but he heard a cool calm voice that he knew all to well.

"May I ask what the hell is going on here?" Jem looked at them both, his eyes blazing with curiosity. Gabriel looked at Will who muttered "Nothing. I'm going" and with that he put the spear on the rack and headed for his room, the breakfast bell finally ringing. He was starving.

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