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Jem stood outside the intitute, waiting for his parabatai to return. It had been hours since he had left he  and Jem had started to get worried. It wasn't like Will to take so long on a mission. He took a deep breath to calm himself, and reminded himself that he would know if Will was hurt. Just as he turned to go inside, he caught a glimpse of brown hair slip next to him. "Hey" she whispered in his ear, and he laughed and turned to face her. 
"Hey Sophie" He leaned forward so that his forehead touched hers. Her smile slipped as she read his face as he tried to hide his worry but failed. 
"He'll be alright you know Jem. Will knows how to take care of himself"
"I know but..." he trailed off just as he heard footsteps. He turned, knowing it was will and ran to him. His black silky hair and vibrant blue eyes looked at him and held his gaze. Jem looked down. In his arms held a young girl, who couldn't have been older than himself, unconscious. Her big eyes were shut, and her cascading brown curls hid a giant gash on her forehead. Her arms were covered In cuts and scrapes. Jem ran to will and helped him carry the girl back into the institute. 
Once the girl was safely on the couch and being tended to by Sophie,  Jem went into the corridor and softly shut the door behind him so as not to wake the sleeping girl. He looked up to see Will applying an iratze to heal a long jagged cut that ran down him forearm. Jem was sure that that wasn't there before, but never questioned it as he went to Will. 


Will looked up in surprise, but his face relaxed at the sight of Jem. 
"You ok?" jem asked, briefly scanning over the rest of will's body to check for any other scars
"Yeah. Bloody hell that girl was locked in a fortress. 3 guards were standing at the door of her room, and not measly mundane guards, properly trained shadowhunters. I tell you, that girl has something to do with the shadow world" will answered, as he finished applying the iratze and rolled down his sleeve. 
"Wonder why they need her so much" Jem thought, outloud.

"Guess we'll find out"

My take on the infernal devicesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora