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The cold air wisped around as Catherine followed the curly haired boy through the woods, they had been walking in silence for about fifteen minutes now. Catherine had known about these woods, Harry had informed her that they were walking all the way to the end, where there was a cabin they'd stay in. Thing is that was about a four day walk. But Catherine didn't dare protest against it for the fear of it being the wrong spoken words, and anger Harry which she didn't really want to do. As they continued to walk Catherine was so caught up in her thoughts she didn't even realize that they had stopped.  She looked up from the ground and stared ahead at the river in front of her with wide eyes. Were they going to cross that? Her question was answered when Harry ventured forth. She seemed to be glued to her spot as the memories flooded back.


Catherine giggled as her father pulled another funny face at her, they had decided that they'd go to the beach today and she was only 4 years old so her parents didn't want her to go anywhere near the water. As for her sister who was 14 years old she was already in the water. That's when they heard it a scream of fright. Catherine had registered it as her sister and so did her father. He snapped their heads over to where Nikki was in the water as the water was bringing her down. Her mother and father ran to the water but Catherine followed causing their parents to turn their attention to her, they pleaded with her to go back to the sand but her 4 year old mind didn't register anything. She could only see her older sister go under the water and she never resurrfaced. The life guard jumped into the water, but he was to late. Nikki was rushed to the hospital and she was pronounced dead.

Flashback over

 To this day Catherine still blamed herself for her sisters death. If she hadn't of followed her parents to the water then perhaps her sister would be alive. She would've been saved if her parents called the life guard earlier, but no they were focused on her. Now she refused to ever go in water.

Catherine snapped out of her thoughts when she heard her name being called, "Catherine god damnit come on we don't have all day" his voice was low and impatinet, causing Catherine to look at him and the water in fear. She slowly shhok her head, "I-I c-can't" Harry walked over to her causing her to take a step back in fear. "Stop fucking moving" Catherine froze in her tracks squeezing her eyes shut in fear, but when she felt her self being lifted off the ground she let out a squel of surprise. Harry carried Catherine over the river bridal style , but Catherine didn't dare open her eyes until she felt her feet being planted firm on the ground.


Harry came to a hault causing Catherine to stop also,"Hand me your bag" Harry spoke causing Catherine to flinch at the sudden tone. Catherine gave him the bag with shaky hands as he pulled out a  box that had an image of a tent on it. As Harry began to build it Catherine watched, how was he so prepared for this, she couldn't even prepare her own oufit fot the next day.

As Harry finished with the tent he glanced at Catherine, "you can get some rest" he spoke causing her to nod and walk over to tent climbing in it, Harry followed her but she didn't dare protest against it. As she layed down in one of the sleeping bags that was already layed out she took a moment to catch a glimpse of Harry.

 She didn't understand why he choose her in particular, there were a lot of people in her flat building. Was it because she was the one who lived all the way on the 1st floor, her flat was actually the only one down there. Catherine shook her head ridding of her thoughts she was drained from walking all day and all she wants to do is sleep, closing her eyes she immedaitley fell asleep

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