May 3rd

91 18 4

Dear Emilienne,

It's me, Yoongi.

Someone once asked me to name the most memorable moments in my life. At the time, I couldn't answer. But now, if I was to name the most memorable moments of my life, I would pick: getting accepted into BigHit Entertainment, debuting with BTS, getting our first win, winning our first Billboard Music Award, and meeting you.

Three years ago, we met at a hotel in Los Angeles. You were on your phone and didn't quite see me standing. The moment you apologized for bumping into me, I saw something in your eyes. Something that told me that you didn't know that I was Min Yoongi, Suga of BTS. Something that made you different.

A few days later, RM slipped you a note asking for you to teach me English. I know, it was odd, but how else I was I ever going to talk to you?

And so, the lessons began. As irritated as you were with me, you didn't give up. You kept on teaching me, translating even the weirdest phrases, and I couldn't help but hide the truth from you a little longer.

But finally, I told you. I showed you BTS' Suga, Agust D, the rapper side of me. And of course, you were hurt. Hurt that I hadn't told you before, and I expected nothing less.

That day when you left at the airport, I felt a fear I had never felt before, not even before performing at our debut stage or the AMAs. I feared losing you.

And I thank the stars everyday that I didn't. You have taught me so much more than just a language.

Our past three years have been full of memories - late nights of just listening to music on the couch, ice skating at the nearby rink (it was more falling than skating), and so much more. And I realized that I am officially in love with you. I have been in love with you.

I know I'm not the best man out there, or the best boyfriend out there, and that there are loads that are better than me. But, once, you told me that the best things come different from the rest. And often that different can mean imperfect.

I don't expect myself to be perfect, but the only thing I hope for is that I am the perfect one for you.

And so, Emilienne Genevieve Aguillard, will you marry me?

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