Chapter 5

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Hey look, I'm not dead! What a surprise.

Arriving at the table, Jack was surprised. He had figured that they would be like his parents and make something simple, like Instant Noodles. The food laid out on the table was a feast! There was roasted chicken, baked potatoes, rice, sweet rolls, and cornbread. But Jack was hesitant to eat the food in front of him. Sure it looked delicious, but was it safe? How did he know they weren't planning on poisoning him?

"Go on," His Other Father insisted. "Anti's food is the best!" He makes a show of eating some of the chicken and Anti rolls his eyes.

Jack chuckles a bit and relaxed. Both of them were eating the food and seemed to be fine. Or at least, neither of them had dropped dead yet. He reached forward to serve himself a bit of each.

"It is good," Jack admitted after taking a bite of the chicken. "Thank you for feeding me."

Anti beamed. "It's no problem! You're our child after all, and we've been waiting for you for a long time. "

"For me?"

His Other Father nodded. "Yep. It wasn't the same without you bud."

"But we knew you'd arrive someday," Anti's grin grew wider. "And now we can be a proper family. More chicken?"

"No thank you." Jack wiped his mouth with his napkin. "Can I have something to drink?"

"Of course!"

Anti snapped his fingers and jugs came flying from the kitchen. Paying close attention, Jack noticed that the jugs weren't floating like he first thought they were. They were actually being held up by red strings.

How strange, He thought. But also really cool.

"Which one would you like to drink? As you can see, we have orange juice, apple juice, sweet tea, chocolate milk, and strawberry milk."

"Strawberry milk please."

With a flick of his wrist, Anti made the strings lift the strawberry milk jug to pour it into Jack's cup.

"Thank you." Jack took a sip of his drink and was pleasantly surprised that it tasted completely like strawberries. Normally things like chocolate milk and strawberry milk still faintly tasted like milk.

"Our personal favorite is apple juice," Anti said. Other Chase nodded.


"Apple juice is pretty good," Jack agreed. "But strawberry milk is my favorite."

"Because you like strawberries?"


"Noted," Anti mumbled to himself. He returned his attention back onto his food and continued eating. "Pass me another sweet roll, dear."

Other Chase did as he was told. Though for a moment, it had seemed as if he didn't want to touch Anti. Jack shrugged it off. He was probably just imagining things. But speaking of Anti, he had told Jack that they were his other parents. But if his Other Father looked exactly like his dad, why didn't Anti look exactly like his mom?

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