Chapter 3

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I was not an introvert from start, that's what I was told. 

I don't remember my childhood and I don't know why! 

The earliest of my memory is of my seventh birthday and I was in hospital with white walls all around, I don't remember what happened on that day and why I was in hospital and to be honest I don't wanna remember about it cause... 

that was first and last time I saw my parents crying for the truth I'm not aware of. 

"Hey are you alright? "

His voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked towards him

"Why suddenly your face turned pale? " 

"Are you alright? " He asked me again

I nodded and my eyes again looked behind him to search for the mysterious guy which I saw few seconds ago but he was gone. 

The grey hair bastered too turned behind to see what I was searching for

"What the heck are you seeing behind me that is more captivating then me? " He said while his back towards me 

I rolled my eyes and i groaned inside, just then I thought

This is my chance to slip away! 

I stepped backwards without making a noise and turned sharp right into one of the passages in which the hall was divided. 

Luckily I found my class at the end of the route!  

My first class was 'Botany' as per my schedule and I was not surprised that it was situated next to second floor "Green house "

Yup it was lavish, classrooms were as big as huge auditorium and doors were so huge that an elephant could enter easily. 

After all as I mentioned before it was a prestigious university for rich and smart kids! 

My classroom door was open and so I cautiously looked inside if professor had already entered class or not. 

As I was stealing a glance inside the classroom a hand landed on my shoulder and I flinched! 

I internally prayed not to be that grey hair bastered

So I turned my head slowly to see from where this unknown hand appeared on my shoulder

S*it I'm dead

It was same mysterious guy which I saw in the Hall few minutes ago

I didn't thought we would meet in this short time, in fact I didn't want to meet him at all till the day I die ~~bad vibes~~ 

And again for some unknown reason my spine went numb!  

Dammit I hope my spine doesn't snap at the end of the day! 

"What are you doing? " he asked me in a serious tone, 

Now that you look at him, he was taller than me and like every other guy who goes regular to gym, he had muscular body and broad shoulders, and was way more better than that Grey hair brat! 

Thinking that I smirked inside. 

But immediately I snapped out of my thoughts, 

"Umm,  my first lecture is of Botany so I was - "

Before I can complete my sentence he said in harsh tone

"Then quickly get inside the class and next time remember not to be late in my class" and he went ahead removing his hand from my shoulder

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