Author's Note

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        Ah yes. It is time yet again for me to open up the manage section of my wattpad and change the little button from On Going Series to Completed. I just wanted to thank you all personally for sticking around with Jet, Bucky, Steve, and I through everything. Iron Vengeance just hit 1.12k views!! Iron Soul is at 511 and Iron Will is at 845. You guys are the reason why I write. You guys inspire me to put forward my best work. I have not only grown as a writer, but also as a person. Yeah, words do that to you.

        I do not know for sure if I will be continuing the series or not.

        I think I might and I would love to but it's hard to tell. I keep on trying to get the story set up but Wattpad will not save anything that I do along the lines of a new story. I don't know why but, yeah. I also don't know what plot I could use for it. I already have some beginning ideas and a climax but I have no idea what to use for the rising action. I don't want to bore you guys and I certainly don't want to bore myself.

        If I do continue the series, the next book will be titled Iron Heart.

        I have my best friend who is a cover artist working on a cover for me right now. I have always spent hours editing the covers by myself but this time I desided to let someone else do the work while I try to straighten everything out. And know this: killing characters off hurts me just as much, if not more, than it hurts you. Killing off Peggy? I sobbed. Killing off Steve? I scream sobbed and refused to do anything but sob as I held a pillow and complained over text to my boyfriend (he thinks I'm insane). I will keep you guys updated on if the story will be continued or not and stuff like that. Thank you again so much for supporting me and my writing. It means so much.

        Talk to yah later,


        P.S. Did you guys noticed that every chapter was named after a Metallica song?

Iron Will (sequel to Iron Soul)Where stories live. Discover now