Another update

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IM SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED ANYTHING YET. I know in the last update I said I would be posting another part to the story and all but lately things have been harder than I thought, going to high school is hard and I have to do so much to get qualified for band and all that cause this year I have to get a new instrument cause the current one I have is busted up but luckily my grandpa is taking me to get a new one in a day or two, and I have to make sure my stupid school even enrolls me into band cause my school is stupid. It's just hard at the moment and I just haven't had much time to do anything cause I've been getting stuff ready for moving day and we've been gathering all the stuff we own and me and my dad have been a bit sad cause we're leaving the home we lived for years and the only home I've known and it's the home my mom past away in and it's all just emotional for the both of us.
But past this I will be updating before school starts in probably in a few days or next week. I hope you all can understand and all . :)

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