Samael had been a well renowned hunter on his planet. 

On Imperion, the wildlife was much more vast than the humans paltry little planet. They'd allowed their world to flourish, to produce life as it should properly do, and the results were startlingly deadly. 

The Alpha loved it. 

Mammoth beasts roamed the open planes, both beautiful and dangerous. Creatures closely resembling wolves but far more advanced populated the more wooded areas. And tentacled beings that were alarmingly intelligent kept to the deepest reaches of the seas. 

Samael had tracked them all. Cornered them. Taken a few as pets. 

He'd only ever killed in the most dire of circumstances though. 

See, he wasn't a blood-thirsty being. Well... that might've been subject to opinion...

But Samael had tastes that ran more towards bipedal, sentient creatures. Ones capable of a challenge. Ones who struggled between their fight or flight instincts. Ones who would, when placed under intense pressure, possibly crack. 

He didn't desire for his omega to break completely. But he so longed to wear her down, bit by bit, until nothing remained but her genetically ingrained omega tendencies. Those instincts that placed nothing above her Alpha.  And what better why to start than dangling something precious before her eyes, if only to watch those expressive green orbs the moment she realized it was all a trap? 

It would be nothing short of delectable. 

Was it wrong that Samael longed to see her gorgeous, ocean colored irises grow glassy with tears? That he yearned to smell her enticing scent riddled with desperation? That he ached to soothe her emotional pain by clouding her mind with omega lust and burying himself inside of her until nothing mattered but their Goddess given bond? 

Unbidden, another swell of jealousy and anger threatened to cloud his judgement. 

She wasn't trekking through dangerous territory for him, though, and that soured his mood. 

No, the dreadful blonde bitch was the cause of her exertion. Did this human woman deserve the devotion of his mate? Samael doubted it. But after questioning Jasmine, it certainly seemed as if his Delilah cared a great deal for the woman. And that was a gift within itself.

Certainly, it saved Sam the trouble of dirtying himself in the human dredges, tracking down some potential lead that would bring his omega straight into his arms. 

But it wasn't enough that Delilah was coming for Jasmine. Even at that moment, she was working her way towards the captured leader with a foolish group of men, determined and armed. It didn't matter. Had Sam desired it, they all would've been shot upon entrance, executed without remorse. 

And then he could've slit the human alphas throat while his little pink-haired mate watched, a warning towards future trespasses. 

But that would've been such a waste. He wanted to well and truly trap her, too scent her emotions as they came and went, to taste the utter defeat as it seeped through her lovely cream colored skin. Not turn her into some simpering, desolate doll that would forever balk towards his presence. It was a fine balance... 

"General," Romera's smooth voice called to him, forcing him to turn from the glass that separated the Alpha's from the unconscious resistance leader. "The plane has landed, and been instructed that departure is estimated at two hours. Would you prefer drugs on hand, to sedate the omega?" The gleam in the females eyes wasn't pleasing, nor appreciated, but Sam contained his rumble. 

"No, that won't be necessary. The omega will come with me willingly, and if anyone so much as lays a hand upon her without my permission, they will be terminated on the spot." 

No mention was given towards the possession within his deep voice. Romera knew when to pick her battles, and they'd already discussed what might happened to Jasmine after everything was said and done. 

Sam had told the Imperion Alpha she could deal with the blonde woman, but he had no intentions of following through with that. If all went according to plan, the human would be a key bargaining chip to use against his mate, and while he had no qualms in lying to his assistant, that was not the case with his omega. Pretty little Delilah would want to see her friend free, if Sam expected the girl to bend to his wishes, and he wanted to start their relationship off on a decent foot. At least, as decent as it could be.... 

A dangerous smile curved over his lips, eyes flashing as they reflected the camera monitor. Before him, on colored t.v., his omega practically ran through the halls, unaware of what fate awaited her when she finally reached Jasmine. A fate Sam had waited far too long for.

It was time he had his omega.

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