Chapter 5

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Rose's POV

Boom! An explosion went off and caused all of us to go flyingto the ground, me landing next to Tony and Steve. As smoke filled the room, we knew that we were in trouble.

"Put on the suit." Steve tells Tony. It's ironic constering they were just talking about fighting. I quickly grabbed a com and ran after them. As we run through the halls we here Fury and Hill talking through the coms.


"Number 3 Engine is down. Can we get a run in?" the agent responds.

"Rubine looks mostly intact but it's impossible to get out there to make repairs while we're in the air." reports another agent.

"We lose one more engine we won't be," states Agent Hill. "Somebody's gotta get outside and patch that engine."

"Stark, you copy that?" asks Fury through the coms.

"I'm on it."

As they continue to talk, I feel an unwanted presence on the ship. Must be Loki's men.

Tony goes a different direction and tells us, "Engine 3. Meet you there." We nod and continue to run. I can still hear the director ordering the men through the comms telling the to get above water, not wanting to crash on a city if the carrier is to crash. Steve and I run past some injured men leaving the section and stop right at the end of the path leading to the area that exploded.

"Stark!" Steve calls out.

"We're here!" I say.

"Good." He responds as he flies towards the engine in his suit. "Let's see what we got."

He starts mumbling and puting pieces together. "I need you to get to that tension control panel and tell me which relays are in overload position." Steve jumps up to the panel and pulls it out. "What's it look like in there?" Asks Tony.

"It seems to run on some form of electricity." Oh Steve.

"Well, your not wrong." I say. " I'm gonna go fly around and try to find what caused this." As I jump off, Steve looks over the edge thinking that I killed myself. I spread my big fluffy, white wing and shoot straight up, passing by Steve, laughing at his shocked reaction. That attractive face of his was priceless. Stop it Rose. Don't get too attached. You don't want a heartbreak.

"Wow" I hear him say through the coms, making me giggle. Giggle? Since when do I giggle?  I fly to the top of the ship, only to find a man guarding a plane. I grab my braclet and take out my trident, and fly down right in front of his face. As he trys to attack I notice his unnaturally bright blue eyes, showing that he was being controlled by Loki's scepter.

"Goodbye" I say as I shove the not so sharp part of the trident into his stomach , causing him to bend over, then kneeing him in the head knocking him out.

"This was a trap. The attackers are here for Loki and the scepter. I repeat, they are here for Loki and the scepter." I say into the comms. From my heightened senses I hear a feint roar. "And he's succeeded in awakening the beast."

"We have a perimeter breach, hostiles are in SHEILD gear. Calling out to every junction." Pretty sure everyone know that by then. "We have the Hulk and Thor on Research level 4, and level 2 and 3 are jarred." I re-enter the hellacarrier and run through the halls avoiding the blockage, and help thescientists and injured to safety on the way. I search through the minds trying to locate the others. Just as I reach an agent's mind, I feel him eject from his plane and feel the Hulk fall to Earth. I hope he changes form when he's grounded. Or else the humans on Earth will be in danger. I snap back as I reach the place Loki was being kept, only to see Thor in the glass room thing fall out of the hellacarrier, and a very injured Phil Coulson shoot Loki out of theroom and through some walls."So that's what it does," I hear him say weakly I rush to Agent Coulson just as I feel the carrier tip to one side and begin it's decent.

"Coulson! Oh my god, your hurt, why would you think you could take on Loki on your own! Here let me heal you." I reach for his injury but he stops me with his bloody hands. "No. You have to stop the ship from falling or else we'll all die. What's one life for hundreds of others."

With watery eyes, I slowly nod, knowing what he's saying is true. "We need Medial Health asap at the Hulk's Cage." (I don't know what it's actually called.) I give him one last look as I jump through the open platform and fly under the hellacarrier. I reach to the extent of my powers as violet coloured energy spread from me through the carrier like vines and starts slowing the flying ship's descent stablizing. I strain and yell from the weight of the carrier as it slows down and begin to stablize. I haven't used this much power in a long time so it was starting to tire me out. Through my comms I hear Tony say that Engine 3 was up and running. As the vines flow back to me I go to the only engine that was not operating. I reach it's control panel I feel electricity and lightning flow through my arms - blessing of Uncle Zeus - and let it flow through the panel and to the engine as it restarts.

Suddenly, I hear Fury say, "Agent Coulson is down." I feel guilty. I could have saved him but I didn't. As I stumble tiredly into the control deck to see Fury, Steve, and Tony already standing there. I lean against the wall, drained from using my powers. When Tony sees me he immediately becomes concerened. "Hey Rose. You okay?" Everyone looks at me. Steve looks worried as well, "cause your looking a litte pale."

I walk closer to the table, my vision getting fuzzy. "I'" Then every thing goes dark when I fall back only to feel a pair of arms catch me from my fall.

A/N: Sorry for the late update guys! I just didn't get a chance to during the summer! I'm sorry if my writing's really bad. It's my first story so don't hate. But if any of you have any feedback please comment.

I also wanted to say that i'm pretty sure that Captain America is about 27 or so years old in the Avengers, but for the story he's about 25. Anyway, If you guts like this story, please vote and/or comment. I love all you readers out there. Stay tuned for more! Byeee

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