The VKs

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(Kira's Outfit)
~{Mal P.O.V}~
We were on our way to Auradon. I really didn't want to go but we had to make our parents proud so I started to plan out what to do to steal Fairy God Mother's wand as we were instructed. As I was plotting Evie went to put makeup on me.

"Stop, I'm plotting," I said swatting her away.

"Well it's not very attractive," She said biting on some candy. Carlos and Jay were eating candy too. I decided to look around and I found a remote, I clicked a button on it. There was a small window behind me it opened and we saw a broken bridge.

"It's a trap!" Carlos yelled and we all hugged each other for dear life, we thought we would fall in the water but we didn't we looked again and saw a golden magic bridge appear. We were shocked.

"Hey, did this button open the barrier?" I asked the driver.

"No this one does, that one opens my garage...and this one.." He trailed off and clicked a button on another remote. It closed the window. I looked back at the others.

"Okay nasty, I like that guy," I said.

~{Kira P.O.V}~
I was standing near the steps with Ben and...Audrey who is just really stuck up and someone I share a dorm with...sadly. Anyway, the limo arrived with the new kids.

They came out of the vehicle. There were two girls one with blue hair, one purple hair and two boys one with brown hair with a beanie on and one with white hair, he was actually really cute. They were both holding stuff from the limo I giggled silently to myself, I don't know why. They were sort of wrestling each other for it.

"Why do you want whatever this is you got everything else?" The white-haired one said struggling.

"Because you want it" the other argued. The blue-haired girl then scolded them.

"Guys we have an audience," she said. They stood up properly.

"Just cleaning up," the brown-haired boy said nervously laughing. Fairy God Mother (FGM) approached them.

"Leave it as you found it and by that I mean just leave it," she said, they then threw the stuff back in the limo and closed the door. Ben and Audrey came forward to greet them.

"Hello I'm Ben-" he was cut off.

"Prince Benjamin, soon to be king," Audrey said cutting Ben off. The blue-haired girl came forward a bit.

"You had me at Prince, My mom's a queen which makes me a princess," She said as she curtsied.

"The evil queen has no royal status here," Audrey said in a condescending way "and neither do you" she finished. The blue-haired looked a little irritated and hurt, I wouldn't blame her. The atmosphere was now a little uncomfortable.

"Uh...this is Audrey-" he continued but was cut off again by Audrey.

"Princess Audrey, his girlfriend," she said holding his hand.

"Okay we'll take the tour now and then give you schedules so you can go to your dorms," Ben said as we started walking.

~[After Settling in]~

We had got to know the names of the new student's Mal, Evie, Jay and...Carlos who is the one I thought was cute. Doug and I already showed the girls there dorm room and now we're showing the boys to theirs.

~{Carlos P.O.V}~
Kira and Doug were showing us to our dorm. As we walked I kept looking at Kira she was so beautiful, she was sweet, kind and...What am I thinking!? I only just met the girl and I'm already getting a crush on her!?... Oh boy.

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