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"She lives only for one reason. Me." -Lex Luther


After it was announced that it was safe to come out, Lex Luther was quick to take in the city's disarray.

When he came outside, the first thing he noticed was how dusty the air quality had become. There were still a few trances of dust clouds hanging around, and Lex had to slightly squint to see through the floating dust.

The streets were covered with fallen debris. Smoke rose from small fires that had yet to burn out, and broken shards of glass and metal blocked most of the walkways. Emergency services with firefighters and police searched the area to help aid those who needed it.

Lex felt sick to his stomach at such a sight. It was horrifying realizing just how severe the state of Metropolis was in. During the attack, he watched the city get thrown into upheaval from his office. From a distance, he witnessed complete buildings come falling to the ground, dust clouds blow through streets, and people run in terror for their lives.

That was from inside his office, but now he stood out in the open air. The smell of burning smoke made him wrinkle his nose in contempt as he walked farther along the street. He passed abandoned cars, stared at nearby storefronts that stood destroyed, and watched as emergency services attended to the injured.

Lex walked a little farther along the street before he came across the most petrifying sight he's ever seen. All the color drained from his face when he saw what it was.

A building, which he saw fully collapse to the ground from his office, lay in demolishment before him. There was nothing left of it, just ravaged pieces of what it once use to be. However, in clear view, a young girl was trapped in the mist of it, her body limp.

Lex stared horror-stricken at the girl. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. The girl appeared so fragile and helpless in her trapped state. A thin layer of dust coated her skin, her hair was a matted mess, and cuts and scapes littered her pale arms. Lex shifted his gaze to the debris trapping her lower body.

As if a cold bucket of water had been dumped over his ginger hair, Lex realized he needed to get that girl out. It didn't matter if she was dead or alive, he just couldn't tolerate the painful sight of her anymore.

"I need one of our rescue teams to be sent out immediately to my location. I need help." Lex ordered into his phone before shutting it off.

Despite her wounded conditions, the girl appeared to have a rather peaceful expression on her face. Lex found that a little unnerving. As he waited, he tried to find a way to get closer to her through all the debris that surrounded her.

"Dammit," he hissed out in frustration. The debris was too hard to get around, so he'd have to have his rescue team clear the way. That would take longer time, and Lex was afraid the girl, if she was even alive, wouldn't survive.

Eventually, after a few more minutes, the rescue team finally appeared. Lex wasted no time in telling them what to do.

"Clear the area from any debris so you can get the girl. She's trapped under heavy debris, so be careful. She may still be alive." Lex pointed to the girl.

The rescuers nodded in understanding, then got to work. Lex backed away to give them space, biting his thumb nervously.

Please, he thought to him. Let her be okay.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2021 ⏰

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