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"The day her world became ashes and his became whole was when she lost everything that ever mattered to her."


She remembered everything. Nothing from that fateful day would ever fade from her memory.

The pain would forever haunt her, leaving her in agony for revenge for the cause that created it. Her innocence was cleaned away, and she became consumed with making her wicked nightmares of blood and death a cruel reality.

People see her as a gem that could do no harm. On the surface, she's a perfect little doll with an intelligence so sharp no child her age could ever come close in comparison. Underneath, however, her blood is shimmering, her mind is whirring, waiting for the perfect opportunity to bring the downfall of the man that ruined her.

So many like to believe that evil and insanity in people comes to them when they are born. However, that's not what she believes, for her insanity and undoing was brought by her past.

Before everything became lost to her, she never once thought of committing murder. Her parents taught her the wrong in it and how it could ruin so many lives.

"You get no rewards with murder," her father had explained to her once upon a time. Since then, she's promised never to do anything that could've been labeled as murder, but that was long before her world was turned upside down.


Alex Lune walked close to her parents as the sun shinned brightly down on the city of Metropolis. The roads, packed with their usual everyday traffic, was alive with honks and cars trying to get to their destinations. The sidewalks lining the roads were bustling with people out and about enjoying their day. All was calm within the city.

Alex's mother, Mrs. Lune, smiled softly at the happy sight of her daughter. Next to her, Mr. Lune was busy speaking on his phone, his hands full with shopping bags. Alex, a young and vibrant girl, was bouncing on the tips of her toes, trying her best not to go zooming out of her parents sight as they made way for the next shop.

However, they never reached their next stop of the day. Instead, the ground shook beneath them, and the loud sounds of explosions filled the peaceful air. Alex fell to her knees, shaking to stay upright.

  A loud explosion erupted nearby, causing many to scream and duck. Mrs. Lune quickly crouched near her daughter, tucking her tightly into her embrace. Mr. Lune, the shopping bags disregarded, hurried to reach their sides.

"We need to leave," he ordered, grabbing Alex's hand. Mrs. Lune nodded, too scared to speak properly. Together, the family fled.

  Dark colored fighter jets flew across the darkening sky, shooting missiles at the now burning city. People screamed, children cried, and sirens blared. Officials and emergency services forced everyone to keep moving, ordering they find shelter.

The Lune family, with everyone else around them, scurried to escape the deadly mayhem. Every few feet, a new explosion would rock the street. Mr. Lune pushed Alex and his wife forward, telling them to keep going.

Alex glanced up at the once clear blue sky, and was horrified to see in the distance a huge black ship floating above the center of the city. A bright beam was shooting down at the area below it. At the sight of the monstrous ship, people screamed and fled in the opposite direction in which they came.

"Come on, baby," Mr. Lune yanked Alex behind him. Alex took one last look at the ship before focusing on her family. Mrs. Lune struggled to keep up.

"Mother!" Alex tried to stop to aid her, but at that moment, the ground shook heavily and sent her falling. Mr. Lune told Alex quickly to say put and he went back for her mother. Right as he reached her, a falling jet crashed nearby, a small cloud of dust raising from the impact.

"Father! Mother!" Alex cried out as she was forced to watch her parents become lost in the cloud of dust. She pushed herself shakily from the ground, urging herself to go in to find her parents.

A loud crash sounded from above her, so she looked up to see a larger fighter jet come exploding into the building next to her. Debris and fire began to rain down, and she had no choice but to flee.

Alex ran away from her lost parents. The streets she passed were set ablaze with pieces of burning debris. Dust clouds rose from the wreckages, buildings crumpled, and she became lost in the horrifying carnage.

"No, no, no," she breathed out heavily as the sight of a huge dust cloud came her way. She turned a corner to the left, hoping to escape the dark cloud. However, another one blocked her path.

She halted, searching for another route of escape. Her fearful blue eyes strained to find something, anything, but the clouds were too fast for her.

Alex dropped to her knees, covering her face as the clouds consumed the area around her. She tried not to breath any of the dust in, her eyes watering, but she had to find a way out alive.

Struggling, she stood from her shaking position. She covered her mouth with her shirt, holding a hand above her eyes so she could see clearly. The street she was on was completely empty, ravaged to pieces.

A huge explosion cracked above her head. Startled, Alex looked up at the building it had come from. A moment later, she watched as the building began to collapse.

"No," she croaked out after she realized where it would crumble. Not having time to think, she started to run frantically. Dust entered her lungs, making it difficult to breath properly.

Alex wasn't able to get too far before a huge coughing fit overtook her. She stumbled to the ground, her knees becoming bloody as they scrapped the cracked ground. Alex covered her mouth with her hand, coughing madly.

A dark shadow overcame her heaving body. Alex forced herself to look up, her eyes burning from coughing so badly. She opened her mouth to let out a dry scream of horror out.

Her screams became lost as the building collapsed completely on her.


She wasn't suppose to survive the tragic collapse of the building. The impact was too hard, too dangerous, yet her life was spared that day somehow by some miracle.

The threat that destroyed Metropolis was eliminated, and life slowly began to go back to normal. However, nothing would ever be the same for her.

  Alex Lune made a promise to herself after she learned the true measure of how devastating the attack actually was. The cost that was paid, in countless of innocence lives and destruction, had to be seen and held responsible for.


"Let the sky tremble with all his glory, but I must make myself very clear. He forced this city to pay a very devastating price that should've never been paid for. He brought his war to our home, but couldn't pay the consequences because of it. So, for that, I must make a very serious promise, one that I intend not to take so lightly. If that man thinks he can get away with what he's done, then I can make a reassurance that he will most certainly not. No, he will answer and face the consequences that will be truly his, and when he does, they will be unforgiving."

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