Final Performance of Mercury

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Freddie draws out different looks for his tour.

He likes the look of yellow clothes. He decides to wear a jacket but he wants to stand out so he designs a bright one. A yellow jacket with belt straps.

He smiles and flicks his lips over his teeth.

~A few days before Wembley~

Freddie tries on his new outfit. He falls in love and knows how good it will look.
He sings softly to make sure his voice is still a beautiful as usual.

"Who wants to live forever anywaaay ah!" He sings.

He looks down at his cats who are watching him curiously. He kneels and strokes them.

"I won't leave you on your own. I will make sure of that."

A car beaps from outside. Fred exits his home and enters the car. He stares at his mansion as it disappears into the distance.

"This is it."

Freddie coughs and he holds up a tissue. Drops of blood spew into it. Freddie looks up at Brian next to him and he screws it up and sticks it in a glove compartment.

They arrive at Wembley. Freddie steps out and looks up the stadium.

"Ready Freddie?" Roger asks

"Let's do it."

The band set up their instruments.
Freddie comes even earlier to prepare.

He looks out to the space of where the crowd will be and he starts to shout

He slowly sings as he remembers Live AID and the fact this may be the final live performance he does.

The show begins eight hours later.

Freddie dances his way out. He thinks to himself

'Let's make this the best show ever.'

After a slow enterance, Queen start their show.

•One Vision 

•Tie Your Mother Down 

•In The Lap Of The Gods.... Revisited 

•Seven Seas Of Rhye 

•Tear It Up 

•A Kind Of Magic 

•Under Pressure 

•Another One Bites The Dust 

•Who Wants To Live Forever 

•I Want To Break Free 


•Brighton Rock Solo 

•Now I'm Here 

•Love Of My Life 

•Is This The World We Created? 

•(You're So Square) Baby I Don't Care 

•Hello Mary Lou (Goodbye Heart) 

•Tutti Frutti 

•Gimme Some Lovin' 

•Bohemian Rhapsody 

•Hammer To Fall 

•Crazy Little Thing Called Love 

•Big Spender 

•Radio Ga Ga

•We Will Rock You 

•Friends Will Be Friends 

•We Are The Champions 

•God Save The Queen

Freddie walks off the stage as he says goodbye. He loses focus as je exits. He stumbles and collapses.

Brian, Roger and John help him up.

"Are you okay Freddie?" Brian asks

Freddie looks up at him.

"I'm sorry. I can't play live again."

Brian is stunned as Freddie's biggest ambition was to tour and perform.

Freddie tears up

"Time we took a break again. I will go on alone for a while. No performances. The people musn't know what I have."

John smiles sympathetically
"The show must go on Freddie."

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