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After everyone introduced themselves, we had to pick rooms. I grabbed my stuff and hurried towards a room. Once I found an empty one, I started unpacking my things. And a few minutes later I heard someone come in. I turned to look towards the door and there stood Asher with all his luggage. His presence gave me butterflies and made me nervous, like some school girl with a crush.

"Hey, do you mind if we share this room, all the others are taken?" He asked with a small smile.

"Yeah sure." I said trying to keep my cool and went back to unpacking.

Asher started to unpack as well. After a few minutes of peaceful silence, Asher said, "So tell me about yourself.

This took me a little off guard, "W-what?"

"Tell me about yourself." He repeated.

"What do you want to know?" I asked him not knowing where to start.

"Your favourite song, movie, colour, food, do you have any siblings, where are you from, how old are you." He said.

"Okay, so I'm 17 turning 18 in December, my favourite song is Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi, I don't have a favourite movie, my favourite colour is yellow, my favourite food is sushi, I have a younger sister named Hayley, and I'm from Toronto." I told him. "Now your turn."

"I'm 17 but will be 18 in September, my favourite song is Talk by Khalid, my favourite movie is any movie with Adam Sandler in it, my favourite colour is red, my favourite food is pizza, I have a younger brother and sister their names are Avi and London, and I'm from California." He told me.

"I love Khalid!" I exclaimed.

"Really? Me too!" Asher said and we both giggled.

"I guess you have good taste in music." I said jokingly.

"I guess I do." He said with a chuckle.

We finished the rest of our unpacking in silence and once we were finished, we went to the living room.

I sat down on the couch between Payton and Cynthia.

"So..what's everyone up to?" I asked.

"We're going to the beach!" Lauren exclaimed.

"So get your swimsuit on." Chase added. I nodded and went back up to my room to get changed.

I decided on wearing a yellow triangle bikini top and matching yellow bottoms. I threw on a black cover up over it, grabbed my beach bag and headed downstairs.

Once everyone was ready, we went out the back door of the house and down to our part of the beach. All the girls put down their stuff in the cabanas while the boys immediately headed in the water.

It was the perfect day to be at the beach! The sun was out and shining down on us, it was really hot, like 100 degrees but then there was a slight breeze which made the heat tolerable, and the water was the perfect temperature, not too warm and not too cold. Well, according to the boys the water was the perfect temperature, I wouldn't know because I hadn't been in yet.

For about a half an hour everyone was having a great time in the water. Except for Madi, Cynthia, and I, we were all sun tanning on the sand. We were all peaceful until Chase, Christopher, Payton, and Asher came running out of the water towards us.

"The water is so much fun!!" Christopher exclaimed,

"Come swim with us!" Payton said.

"Nooo!" All three of us said.

"C'mon it be fun!" Chase pleaded.

"Please!" Asher begged making puppy dog eyes. Those eyes! His eyes! Make me melt inside.

We shook our heads no again but they weren't taking no for an answer. Chase picked up Cynthia and put her over his shoulder and Christopher did the same to Madi. Payton and Asher each grabbed one of my hands and tried to pull me towards the water.

"No!! I'll just stay and tan." I said resisting them.

"Well then, you leave us with no choice." Asher says with a smirk and then he picked me up and put me over his shoulder like Chase and Christopher did.

Madi and Cynthia were already thrown in the water so I was the last one to get in.

"Asher!!! Put me down!!" I yelled at him as he ran towards the water.

"C'mon! Come swim with us!" Asher said and he was now in the water.

"Don't even think about it!" I said and as soon as I finished, he realeased me into the water.

When I emerged from the clear crystal blue water, I playfully slapped his arm. "I can't believe you just did that! You'll regret it later." I said laughing at the last part.

"Um..I don't know. I think that was worth it." He said with a smirk.

"Whatever Angel, you'll regret it." I said playfully rolling my eyes.

"Aww you called me Angel, how cute!" Asher said teasing me.

"Like your last name stupid! Don't flatter yourself!" I playfully smacked him again.

"I feel like we're are going to be great friends!" He said.

"Uhh..I don't know, I don't see it." I said with a shrug making him laugh.

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summer fling | ashannie *ON HOLD*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang