xlviii. Different Places

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"You two need to blow off some stress," Daemon told us, shrugging his shoulders as if he was brushing off the looks we were giving him. "There are people here who would be to both of your liking. That is, if you two are not ready to admit you want to fuck."

I did not miss the red tinge that spread across Lucien's cheeks. Instead, I chose to ignore it and glare directly at Daemon.

"You would do well to watch your tongue," I warned, feeling my anger surge for the second time tonight.

"Stop with your bullshit," Lucien dismissed. "We need to get back to the Red Keep. We would be safest there."

I never thought I would agree that the Red Keep is the safest possible place to be, but for once I did. It was a hell of a lot safer than the streets of Kings Landing while the city guard is looking for us. And anything is safer than a brothel owned by Littlefinger. He may have loved my mother, but I do not believe that love extends to me.

"See, the two of you are stressed!" Daemon exclaimed. "You both enjoyed the bar fight. Keep enjoying your night."

He shot Lucien and I a wink before walking away with Olyvar. I watched the two of them disappear further into the brothel and I could not help but feel frustrated. If Daemon wanted to fuck someone he should have just come by himself.

Lucien was still standing beside me and I could tell he was both annoyed and embarrassed. I did not know why he was embarrassed though. Clearly Daemon was wrong about us wanting to sleep with each other or we would have jumped on the chance.

We walked further into the brothel and took a seat at one of the tables. Neither of us said anything. I do not even think we wanted to speak to each other.

I could not deny how handsome Lucien is or the moments where I have felt like we were too close to each other. His golden eyes drew me in every once in a while. So did his genuine personality and his charming smile. He was strong and intelligent and arguably one of the best swordsmen in Westeros.

But I am not just any girl free to fall in love with a charming lordling. I am Lady Stark. I have a sister to find before it is too late and a family name to restore to honour.

And Lucien will be Lord Tyrell one day. He will be Lord of Highgarden and the Reach, as well as Warden of the North. Even if he felt anything for me, it would never be allowed to work.

"Looks like we will have to sit here until Daemon is done," I said, clearly still annoyed. "Who knows when that will be."

"There will be a scandal if another lord walks in and finds Lady Stark and the future Lord of Highgarden sitting together in a brothel," Lucien gently reminded. "It does not look good for either of us or for our houses. If we are to be stuck here waiting for Daemon, we should at least be out of view."

"Is that your way of getting me into a room to seduce me?" I asked, teasing him slightly. "I do agree, though. But it was your idea, so you can sort it. That, and I do not know how to sort it."

"Neither do I." I was surprised by this. "It might be a bit of a shock, but I have never met a woman and thought to bring her to a brothel to woo her."

I let out a small laugh and gestured for Lucien to go find someone to ask about a private room. I just hoped he could control his cock enough to decline any women who wished to join us. I just want to sit and relax as much as I can in this situation.

When Lucien returned, a gorgeous woman - who was fully clothed - was with him. As she led us to the room, she kept her attention fixed on Lucien. It was clear she enjoyed his looks and wanted to get some money out of him. I could not judge. Sex is the way she survives and fucking a handsome man would just be an added bonus.

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