Wait, Repeat That?

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Mike's POV:

That night. The night we were about to save Will, I asked El if she wanted to go to the Snow Ball with me. She didn't understand what I was saying, so I...I leaned for the kiss. She was as shocked as I was, but she also didn't mind, I-I don't know, I'm confused. Well, it doesn't matter anyway, she's gone. Gone, forever...

*Timeskip to when Mike and El reunite cuz I'm lazy*

We all stand in the living room, awaiting what is on the other side of the door that is slowly opening. When the door is fully open I see a figure, dressed top to bottom in black. I don't even need to look closely to see who it is. We slowly walk towards each other and hug each other so tight we can hardly breath, but we don't care. We both start to tear up but we continue to hold each other in our embrace.
"I never gave up on you." I say quietly to her.
"I-I know..." she replies. We let go of each other, but still look deeply into our eyes.

*The Snow Ball*

Me and guys and Max have been talking for a while, but eventually everybody leaves to dance. Sadly, nobody wants to dance with Dustin, but my sister, Nancy found the kindness in her heart to dance with him. I was happy everybody found somebody, but now I was the odd one out. The only thoughts that came to mind when I sat down by myself is 'Where is El?'. I get if she doesn't show up, because this is a school event and she doesn't go to Hawkins Middle School yet, but just as I think that, a figure walks into the doors.

Eleven's POV:

I walk into the doors of the Gym, and the first thing I notice is Mike. He's sitting alone, looking kind of sad. But very quickly, he notices me and stands up to walk towards me.

"You look beautiful." He says while smiling to me.

"Thank you." I get this familiar feeling in my stomach. It's a feeling I used to have every time I was with Mike, and as far as I know, the strongest is when he...kissed me last year.

"Wanna dance?"

"Um, I don't know how to dance..."

"Don't worry, I don't know either, so we can learn together." He smiles sweetly, grabs my hand and takes me to the dance floor. He then takes my arms and puts them on his shoulders and puts his hands on my waist. That weird feeling is back, I don't understand what it is, maybe I should ask Mike later. We dance like that for a little bit, until he eventually leans in to kiss me. I lean in too and we share a very short, cute kiss.

"Hey guys, come here!" Dustin shouts out to me and Mike. He grabs my hand again and walks towards the others that are there.

"Miiikee, I see somebody blushiiing~" Lucas teases.

"What's...blushing?" I ask.

"Well, blushing is-"

"It's something only people who are madly in love do and it's only for their special someone." Max cuts off. I stay quiet for a little bit.

"Max! You know that's not true! It's when two people like each other, their face goes red a lot when their around them and they feel happy and safe around that person." Mike explains. It's not like I would listen to her anyway.

"Well, I was thinking we should all go back to my place for a sleepover after this. We can play games, eat treats." Mike explains.

"Sure, were in." Dustin says, referring to everybody.

"What about you, El?"

"I'll have to ask Hopper."

"Good luck." Will mumbles.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2019 ⏰

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