"Yeah, but I think you like her Dal" Johnny says.

I scratch the back of my head. I don't say anything and Johnny smiles.

"You do" he says with a smirk.

"Yeah I do. I thought she was pretty since the first day a met her Johnny." I said.

"So you've like her for a while. Why haven't you asked her out?" Johnny says.

"Well cause I messed up the first time. Scared her to death almost." I said hitting my forehead. I still felt rather guilty about that. I usually got smacked in the face or got what I wanted when I did that trick to a girl. But it blew up in my face.

"Plus she's on a date with soda. And soda seems to like her. If y/n likes him I can't do anything about it." I say.

"Well she likes you." He said taking a drink out of his coke.

"I know I heard you two. But I just can't ask her. Especially not now Johnny." I say.

"Why? You always ask girls out no problem." He says.

"It's different this time. She's different Johnny" I say sighing taking a sip of my coke.

"You really like her Dal. I've never seen you act this way for a girl before." He says.

What if she finds a better guy. What if she cheats on me like my ex. What if she gets scared of me.

"What happens when I get thrown in jail again? She is gonna leave me and hook up with another guy." I said.

Johnny nods " y/n wouldn't do that Dal. She's not that type of girl. Ask her out Dal. You need someone like her." He says.

I sigh.

I'm gonna ask her out.

"I'll do it" I say.

Johnny smiles and we get up and clean around the house. We didn't want to leave a mess for y/n. She was letting us stay in her home and all.

"Okay well I'm gonna go get the record for
y/n. You coming? I also gotta get her just groceries." I said.

I looked around her kitchen taking mental notes of what she was running low of.

Milk. Bread. Eggs. And maybe some other snacks.

"Okay let's go" Johnny says putting on his jacket.

"Let's go Johnny boy" I say messing up his hair. We head out and lock the door. I walk down the street and head towards the record store. We look around and we do find the new rolling stones album. I look and see a Beatles section. Y/n had some of there records and a poster. She must like them. I look around and grab one of the records I know she doesn't have. I pay for them and me and Johnny head out.

I give them to Johnny to hold and we head to the grocery store and buy them. We bought chips and cookies. Other little snacks.

"What do you wanna eat Johnny?" I ask.

"Hmm. Not sure." Johnny says looking around waiting for me to pay for the groceries.

"Dallas Winston. Wouldnt think to see you here." The cashier says. I sigh.

"Well believe it" I said taking out my wallet. I had done some work selling some things to people. I couldn't tell y/n or any of the boys about it.

"He's getting groceries for his girl friend" Johnny mocks.

"Oh, you got another chick to dumb in a few weeks." He mocks.

"Shut it." I say. I gave him a death glare and he looks at me scared. I just paid for my shit and left. We walked back to y/n's home and put away the groceries.

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