No Love In This House

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Harry sat alone in his room.

Well actually it wasn't his bedroom but instead, it was the Potter Manor's large library. It was filled with countless books about anything magic and even quite a decent amount of muggle books. He spent much more time in the library compared to the rest of his family, that by now it was basically his room. He'd fallen asleep in the library countless times anyway, so it obviously wasn't all that uncomfortable.

Harry sat alone on a big chair, colour faded with age, staring at the first page of a book titled Ancient Runes For Beginners, but he hardly took in any words of the book. He was holding back tears. They swarmed his eyes and clouded his vision.

Today was his and Elliot's 6th birthday. But to the world, it was only Elliot's birthday. To the world, Elliot was the only one who mattered. The house was full of close friends of the Potters and many, many admirers.

Harry was usually left out of things like this. Cast off to the side as Elliot basked in the attention that he was constantly showered with.

The fact that it was also Harry's birthdays didn't matter to anyone else. Since his 5th birthday, he'd had to rely on himself to make it in this unfair world. It's not that his family hit him or yelled at him. Nothing like that. They simply forgot about him. Not on purpose.

They forgot to call him to meals, forgot to take him with them when they left the house, forgot to pay attention to him.

Instead, his parents paid attention to their darling son, Wlliot. Elliot was a little bit on the chubby side and a pretty regular. He couldn't dress himself or cook or anything like that, which Harry could do. He was a bit of a brat. He always got what he wanted the first or second time he asked. But to the wizards and witches, he was a saint. Just a little boy who had nearly died to save their lives.

Harry and Elliot didn't get along. They never talked to each other. Elliot had other hobbies and friends. Elliot liked quidditch and swimming Harry had books.

But Harry was used to this unfair treatment. He always had been. His last birthday was only half forgotton. He got presents form his parents and godfathers, but from no one else.

Watching everyone from the window and feeling the happiness in the air, he couldn't fathom why he felt this way.

He wasn't jelaous. Just a bit... Lonely.

Lofe had always thrown everything it had at him. It smacked him and shocked him. It didn't care for him.

"Only 5 more years until Hogwarts!" Someone shouted outside the library window.

Harry ducked behind the chair. A few people passed by the window, chatting happily.

"He'll be a gryffindor. Absolutely." A man said. The other made sounds of agreement before falling out of hearing range.


Harry crawled back into his seat and picked up his book.

The school was all anyone talked about. The houses, the teachers, Albua Dumbledore. Would he have his own life there?

He doubted so.

He stayed in the library until all the guests who had come to celebrate Elliot had left. The sun was beginning to set.

Harry stomach hurting from hunger. He hadn't eaten a thing all day.

He abandoned his book and headed down the stairs. There was no one in the hallway or in the kitchen. Harry walked to the fridge and grabbed an apple. He noticed the leftovers of Elliot's cake. A large red cake with gold inside it, big enough to feed many people and only half eaten, it said "Happy birthday, Elliot!" on it. Harry didn't dare touch it. Ashton would probably finish it over time.

Harry ZagattaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora