Marry Me? -Kliff Headcanon #3

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-1984- -After James and Lars get married-
*Kirk's POV*

It was a sunny day when we had an outdoor show. Everything was going to plan, and we breezed through the first set like it was nothing. When we did, James looked out over the crowd, and said, "Hey! We've got something pretty special for you fuckers! So wish us well!" After this, I heard the unmistakable sound of James and Cliff playing If I Fell by the Beatles. I smiled, playing along as Cliff and James sang the vocals. When we finished playing the song, I turned to see Cliff walking up to me, his bass sitting on his bass stand, and he smiled, taking my hand into his, and said into the microphone, "Kirk, you're the most amazing, beautiful, and funny person I've ever met. I'm so lucky that you're my boyfriend, so I have one question for you." I covered my mouth with my hands, tears sparkling in my eyelashes, and he got down on one knee, taking off one of his favorite skull rings, which he almost never did, and said, "I know this isn't a diamond ring, and I know this is gonna sound really cheesy, but Kirk Lee Hammett, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" I gasped, smiling behind my hands, and nodded, saying, "Yes! Of course I'll marry you!" He smiled, standing up, and slid the ring onto my finger. When he did, I smiled, not caring about my guitar, and wrapped my arms around Cliff's shoulders, and kissed him passionately. James smiled, and said, "Let's give the happy couple a hand!" When he did, the crowd erupted into a loud cheer and some claps. After this, we played our last set, thanking the crowd for a good time, and left the stage. I smiled, hugging Cliff tightly, and said, "I love you. I'm so happy that we're engaged." He smiled, kissing my forehead, and said, "I love you too, darling."

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