Maybe Later We Can-- Part 3 Scenario 3

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Part Three Scenario Three:
Shan Cai was definitely right. Talking to Xi Men can make a girl pregnant. One minute we were kissing and the next minute our clothes were scattered all over the floor. Just like that I’ve lost my virginity. In a moment of heat. Xi Men lay next to me wholly exposed. I immediately grabbed my clothing garments and slowly dressed myself. As soon as I was done I heard a loud cough.
“Ahem.” It came from the security guard who let us in earlier. “Mr. Yan.”
Xi Men stirred. “Wu Tong.” He quickly dressed himself.
“I didn’t let you in so you can do monkey business here.”
I hid my head in embarrassment while Xi Men just eyed the security guard unashamed.
“Wu Tong, please don’t embarrass me in front of this cute girl.” We both had stood up. 
Wu Tong rolled his eyes. “It’s almost midnight. You two should leave AND get home straight.”
Xi Men and I nodded our heads in agreement. We went back to his car.
“I’m sorry about Wu Tong.” Xi Men spoke. “He was just following my instructions to check on us before midnight came.” He had drove us out of the premises.
“It’s fine.”
“Just so you know, I’ve never done anything like that before. I’ve never had sex with a woman there.” He explained.
“Neither do I. I’ve never done anything of that sort ever before.” I admitted.
“I know.” Xi Men’s right hand held both of mine. I felt temporarily comforted. “Xiao You, I have never ever had sex with an innocent. It was my first time too.” He confessed. “You’re very cute. And I like you. But I don’t do commitments and relationships. What we did back there is just us fooling around. Innocent and harmless. Do you understand what I’m saying?” There was a tone of seriousness in his voice and inside of me I felt disappointed that my first kiss and my first sexual experience meant nothing to him at all.
“Yes, I understand.” I replied, faking a smile.
“Good. Now let me take you home.”
Twenty minutes later, Xi Men parked the car outside my apartment building.
“Thank you Xi Men.” I said before stepping out of the car.
Xi Men also stepped out of the car. “Xiao You, tonight was special. I want you to know that, okay?”
I nodded.
“Okay. Well, good night.” He bent down to kiss my cheeks.”
“Yeah, good night.” I put on a wide smile.
Xi Men left right away.
I made my way up to our apartment floor. I fished out the key from my bag and unlocked the front door. I hurried to my bedroom, plopped down on my bed and let the tears finally roll down on my cheeks.
Jiang Xiao You, you let yourself get into this. You knew Xi Men Yan is a playboy. You knew he would never get serious with anyone, not even you. And yet you allowed yourself to be toyed by him; you allowed him to toy with your feelings. Yes, I did because I’m in love with him. I love Xi Men Yan. So what if he broke my heart tonight. I can get over this. Tomorrow is a different day. I’ll show him I’m not as innocent as he thinks I am. I’ll make him fall in love with me no matter what. He’ll see. Jiang Xiao You, jiayou!

© Franzz P. Follow on Instagram @onceinalifetimearc2018
Date written: June 18-27 and July 9, 2019

Author's Note: The extended version of scenario 2.

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