Names behind Mouri Ran and Kudo Shinichi

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its already morning and summer is totally over .. in short , back to school ..

i'm now 3rd year high school , class 2 section B .. and i forgot to introduce myself ..

my name is Shimizu Meari , 15 years of age and a CERTIFIED ANIME LOVER .. my favorite anime is DETECTIVE CONAN and yes , i join cosplay contests many times and i'm not boasting it but everytime i join cosplay contests , i'm always the winner. that makes me pretty popular in our campus.

"good morning , shimizu."

a schoolmate that i dont know who , greeted me.

i only smile as a reply.

that happens everyday and every single day when i come to school.

many students greet me even i dont know them.

thats how my life goes in school.

finally , i'm in my room. i guess, i'm too early cause of teacher wasn't around yet.

so, i went to 2nd row , 3rd chair to the front and sit.

thats the place where i decided to sit.

few minutes pass, our teacher arive with a new student.

its a handsome guy and i guess , he's a transferee. cause he's not familiar.

"okay class, let me introduce myself first. i'm Kyoumaro Miwa and i'll be your Biology Teacher." she said.

so , biology is our first subject.

"but before we start i'd like to introduce you, your new classmate. he's a transferee student." she added.

"hai , my name is Kazetsu Aikei. nice to meet you all. i'm new here so please be good to me." he introduces himself.

Kazetsu Aikei .?? sounds familiar ., like i heard it somewhere .??

"Shimizu," ms. Kyoumaro calls my surename.

I look with a little surprise, "yes, ma'am .?"

"since your a cosplay queen, will you let our transferee student sit beside you .? he's also a cosplay king so the two of you will surely get along together very much." she explains.

oh yea ., thats why his name sounds familiar to me .. i heard alot about Kazetsu Aikei The Cosplay King but I never meet him personally.

so ........ he's definitely handsome.

"its my pleasure to be a sitmate of the cosplay king." I answer.

so he went to the sit next to me and sits, silently.

the minutes, hours and time pass very fast and our class is over.

now, i'm at the school gym, sitting on a bench, listening music on my phone while waiting for our mother. thats what we call to our cosplay instructor.

and since , i'm alone sitting on the bench, i sing along with the song.

"take me to the high, we never cry on. Mada mienai ashita he. Try again, try again, try again, always. Try again, try again, Try again---------"

"Iyana koto bakari janai yo, bokura wa yume wo mite. try again, try again, try again always. Try again, try again, try again. Aru ga mama ni speak out."

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