🔬Jessica Robinson- OC #1🔬

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Name: Jessica Robinson

Nicknames: Jessie, Jess, JJ

Gender: Female

Age: 39

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

Occupation: Teacher/Mentor

Height: 5"6

Hair color: Dark Brown

Hair type: Thick, Straight

Eye color: Emerald green

Skin color: Light

Picture: *Present*

Art @VoltageMatsu (Me)

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Art @VoltageMatsu (Me)

Nationality: American

School: The Uncanny Private Academy transferring to UA

Year: N/A

Distinguishing Features: During Stressful situations or atmospheric tension become irrupted Jessica's eyes will resemble Clocks

Distinguishing Features: During Stressful situations or atmospheric tension become irrupted Jessica's eyes will resemble Clocks

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Art @VoltageMatsu (Me)

Background: Jessica Robinson was born in the United States, New York, on October 16th, into a regular family consisting of her Mother and Father. She and her family are quirkless. Her parents didn't have any quirks for themselves but, they put their whole studies into medical and scientific research into helping the Heros save the world from evil. They believed that they could strengthen Hero's abilities and transfer quirks into regular people to make the whole world super. Inspired by this, Jessica would offer her help towards her parents efforts. Due to this, Jessica's parents would test and experiment on her. Despite others viewing this as wrong, Jessica would defend her parents actions. During her teen years, both her and her family were involved in a fatal Car crash during an attack in the city, killing her parents instantly after they have drove out to the city to save their life work. Yet, it was too late. Jessica was the only one to come out in the end, and instead of being unmotivated by this, Jessica became motivated to finish her parents works. She continued her career into science and tech, learning new quirks with people who have been interviewed by her. Jessica worked with David Shield (From MHA: Two Hero's Movie) for a time, as she study his own little quirk and helped out with his studies. Soon, she meant Yagi Toshinori (All Might) through David and became incredibly fascinated by him. Jessica would hang out with him and study him, there was a rumor that they had a little fling with each other. Yet, it was never confirmed by anyone since Jessica left New York to different places in the world to study different types of quirks. Never seeing David or Yagi again. However, due to this, she obtained her students; Elliot, Doku, Nadia, and Kage. Jessica, along with her students strategize and take out evil lurking whenever they go; creating Uncanny Private Academy (UPA). However, ever since they heard of UA though, Jessica thought it would be best to try to apply as a teacher there and give her students the best life. No matter their quirk, this is where her story continues...

*How she looked in the past: *

*How she looked in the past: *

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Art @VoltageMatsu (Me)

Personality: Jessica is timid and is known to have a caring motherly nature towards the students she has taken under her wing. She takes her responsibilities seriously and does whatever it takes to do the right thing, no matter what. Jessica's moral is mainly based upon traditions and laws, upholding authority and rules. She is a loyal and devoted to her allies and partners, and works best in an stable, clear, and organized area. She rarely gets upset easily nor does she worry about making that good of an impression, as long as the others are kind, then she would treat them just as is. Often remembering small details, and is always trying to resolve tension within the atmosphere, Jessica is known for being a role model upon younger students. This makes her proud. However, if an idea is rejected, or if she can easily become hurt by this, she is often Needy for affection and would try to get attention for reassurance that she is doing the right thing.

Hero/Villain Profile:

Hero/Villain: Hero

Costume: Jessica really wants one, but she knows she shouldn't have one since she doesn't have a Quirk.

Quirk: None

Weapons: None

- Bluetooth headset
- Holographic watch
- Holographic Tablet to strategize and organize plans for rescue, attack, and train


Likes: Events, History, Teaching, Traveling, Re-organization of items, Children, Unique Quirks, and Science

Dislikes: Social Media, Any type of vehicle, fighting areas, Tomatoes, and figure skating.

- Usually twiddles with her hair whenever she amazed or fascinated
- Is prone to eat whenever she is in stressful situations.

Fears: Chronophobia; Fear of losing/wasting time

Adam Robinson
- Father (Dead)
- 41 year olds
Natasha Robinson
- Mother (Dead)
- 38 years old

Romantic interests: Yagi Toshinori (All Might)

- Elliot Roberts (Student)
- Doku Nakamura (Student)
- Nadia Petrov (Student)
- Kage Saito (Student)
- Your OC (Is you like)
- David Shield
- Most of the students at UA; Izuku Midoriya, Ochaco Uraraka, Shoto Todoroki, Ect.
- Toshinori Yagi
- Shota Aizawa
- Hizashi Yamada
- Nemuri Kayama
- Ect.

Rivals: N/A

- League of Villains

Physical weakness:
- Weak Bones

Mental/emotional weakness: N/A


Name: of your quirk: ???

Description: ???

Strength: ???

Weakness: ???

What age did you obtain it: ???

How did you obtain it: ???



Art @VoltageMatsu (Me)

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Art @VoltageMatsu (Me)

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