The scene started and flowed smoothly before the jokes part came up. They proceeded with the change and Juyeon felt content with the turnout. It felt fresh and not forced. Everyone else felt the difference as well.

"Cut! Good job. Let's get this next scene recorded!" the director shouted before looking at Juyeon. "You really know your stuff."

"They don't call me the best for no reason." joked Juyeon before laughing. "This episode is going to be a good one."

"You know, I heard you were in the process of writing a movie script. How's it coming along?" asked the director as staff bustled about to get the next scene ready.

"It's coming. I already have an idea of who I want the other lead to be." said Juyeon as he twirled a pen.

"Oh? Who?" asked the director curiously.

"Heo Hyunjoon. I plan to be the other lead." Juyeon said then felt his phone vibrate. "Sorry, I need to take this. Let me know when you're about to start."

"You're working? I'll call back later." said the voice on the other end.

"Eric, it's fine. What do you need? A ride? The front door keys? A pet that I've been dying to get you?" Juyeon asked, hoping one of them was right.

"I need you. I was feeling a bit down, so I called. I feel better after hearing your voice..." Eric said as he sat alone in a dark practice room.

"You can call whenever. Do you want me to continue talking? Say whatever's on my mind?" asked Juyeon who shooed away a staff member telling him they were starting.

"It sounds like you need to go, so I'll let you. Bye Ju." said Eric before hanging up.

Juyeon frowned then quickly sent him a cute video before hurrying back to set.


Hyunjoon hummed happily as he stirred the contents in the pot. It had been a few days since the last threatening message either of them had received. It was welcoming yet at the same time worrying. He wiggled around as he carried dishes to the living room then hurried back to bring out the rice. He happily sat beside Jaehyun who laughed at the dumb TV clichés.

"Ah, I love your cooking, muffin." Jaehyun exclaimed before stuffing himself full.

Hyunjoon wanted to thank him, but his phone tore his attention away. He had received a message from the number. It contained a video. Hyunjoon pressed play then quickly paused it. It wasn't something to be viewed by Jaehyun.

"Jae, I'm going to be outside for a bit. Not too far I promise." said Hyunjoon as he hurried towards the front door.

"At least eat." said Jaehyun as Hyunjoon hadn't touched anything.

Hyunjoon obliged and ate before declaring he was going out once more. He pressed play on the clip and saw himself and Juyeon sitting next to each other. That's all it really was. He stared at the video more then felt a lightbulb go off.


Hyunjoon hurriedly climbed into the car then showed Juyeon who got the same message.

"Doesn't it look familiar?" he asked with hopeful eyes.

"Isn't that... That's Younghoon's! Then something must've happened at that barbecue." exclaimed Juyeon in surprise.

They quietly thought back, but nothing came to mind after they got completely plastered. Juyeon looked to Hyunjoon who gave him a sorry look. Juyeon gently ruffled his hair then realized how close he was to his face. He quickly pulled away then thought up a lie.

"I thought I saw something on your face. Must've been the reflecting lights." explain Juyeon as the car made a turn.

"Right..." replied Hyunjoon. "I wonder what we were doing outside..."

"Me too..." agreed Juyeon as he thought back again.

His heart had finally stopped hammering against his chest and found it easier to breathe. Embarrassment was the worst. Hyunjoon looked up and realized they had traveled away from his home.

"Ju, can we turn back? I... I told Jae I wouldn't go too far..." said Hyunjoon slightly panicked.

"Ah, don't worry, I'll get you home. But first." said Juyeon as he had the driver stop. "Let's get you some dessert. Heard you got yourself a new job."

"How did- Oh right, I tweeted it..." he mumbled before getting out of the car.

They walked into the bakery just as they were about to close. The woman closing up gasped then quickly headed behind the counter.

"You're Lee Juyeon, right? Right?" she asked despite already knowing the answer.

"Yes, I suppose you're closing up aren't you. Did we come too late?" he asked.

She frantically shook her head and gladly offered to ring him up. Hyunjoon watched in awe at what fame could do for a person.

"Hey, pick out something. Don't worry about price." Juyeon said as he motioned for Hyunjoon to come over.

"I'd like this one." Hyunjoon said.

"We'll take half of it." said Juyeon with a smile. Hyunjoon looked at him in pure shock. "You can share with Jaehyun, can't you?"

"I already feel pampered and now you're giving me half of an expensive cake? Eric must live a good life of luxury..." said Hyunjoon slightly envious.

"Sure I spoil him now and then, but in moderation. I'm no sugar daddy." he said with dry laughter.

Hyunjoon simply shook his head as they walked out with half a cake.


"Where'd you get this?" Jaehyun asked.

"Juyeon brought it over." Hyunjoon replied as he ate some cake.

"What's your relationship with Juyeon?" Jaehyun pressed.

"I already told you, we're just friends. He came to congratulate me on landing a new job." explained Hyunjoon.

Jaehyun didn't ask further as he didn't want to start another pointless argument. Hyunjoon glanced back and saw Jaehyun trudging over to the bedroom.

"I'll give you some cuddles after I put this away." Hyunjoon said before getting up to put the cake away.

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