After pausing for a moment, he continued narrating. "My brothers did not take it well. As the Night's Watch and the Wildlings had always been enemies." He let out what can only be interpreted as a bitter laugh. His sniggering died down as his face turned serious once again.

"They called me a traitor and took turns stabbing me... They killed me." His voice died out at the end.

"They must've thrown my body in the Shivering Sea and the waves brought me here."

Diana’s eyes widened once she heard his last words, her lips trembling in sympathy. She gulped, clearly affected by his story, unlike the rest of the amazons who wore stone cold expressions.

"You say they killed you but here you are. How are you alive?" A senator questioned.

Jon Snow gazed up at Diana, cleary enthralled by her beauty, and somehow wondering if she had anything to do with the fact that he was alive once more. "I don't know." He honestly answered.

Queen Hippolyta asked her final question. "You said you struck a deal with the Free Folk, knowing full they were enemies. What did they promise you?"

The Lord Commander looked up at the Queen with an unwavering gaze, and answered. "That they'd help us in the upcoming war."

"War? What War?!" Diana, exalted and confused, approached Jon Snow, looking at him with her beautiful face.

"The Great War against the White Walkers. They're coming. The Night King is coming." Jon alarmingly replied. What he had just said apparently was very interesting to them, because he could feel them leaning closer, their eyes wide with something resembling apprehension, whispering among themselves, expecting for more; and the lasso didn't disappoint.

"That's impossible. The Others have slept beneath the ice for thousands of years." One of the amazons spoke out of reflex.

A flash of hesitation appeared in Hippolyta's eyes before she worriedly looked over to Diana.

"It's true!" He raised his voice slightly to power over the murmurs of the rest of the inhabitants of Themiscyra.

"I've fought them. And their strength is unbelievable. I've seen it with my own eyes, women and children slaughtered." He barely uttered those words his eyes clenching shut. "Only for them to become corpses in his army. It's like nothing I've ever seen."

With her eyes watery from the horrors he'd described, Diana choked back a sob. She looked over to her mother who was done with the interrogation.

"Take him to the healers." Hippolyta ordered before leaving.

"Am I your prisoner?" Jon asked only for his words to be ignored.

'And all has been quiet ever since.'

Except not anymore, Diana thought, remembering as if it were yesterday when her mother and aunt told her that story. She was but a child then, so long ago… And while she knew it wasn't just a story, that it really had happened, it was something so far removed from anything she had ever seen that it might as well be a myth. But it wasn't. How else would she explain so much death?

They needed to stop it.

Diana chased after her mother, needing to tell her that they needed to help in the fight against the White Walkers.

"Mother! Wait."

Hippolyta complied and turned to her daughter.

"After everything the man has said, this must what you've told me. Thousands of people already dead, like nothing he's ever seen." She emphasized. "We can not simply let him go, we must go with him."

A Wonder By The Seven (Wonder Woman x Game of Thrones Crossover) [ON HOLD] Where stories live. Discover now